Friday, September 30, 2011

Preparing Tax Forms

EQ - How do I prepare a simple tax return?
  1. Review yesterday's material
    1. Vocabulary
    2. W-4 Purpose
    3. Analyzing a Paycheck
  2. Background Reading (p. 147-150)
  3. Preview Look at Forms
    1. 1040EZ
    2. W-2
  4. Preparing to File
    1. Who?
    2. When?
    3. How?
  5. A Closer View of the W-2
  6. Completing the 1040EZ

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Analyzing a Paystub

EQ - How does Form W-4 help us analyze our paystub?
  1. Continuation from last class - Where does our money go?
  2. Activator: What are some other things you might want to have deducted from your paycheck?
  3. Vocabulary Preview
    1. W-4 Form 
    2.  Allowances
    3. Dependents
  4. Understanding Your Paycheck PPT
    1. Important Facts
    2. W-4
    3. Reading a Paystub
    4. Analyzing a Paystub
  5. Assignment - Analyzing a Paystub
  6. Assignment Review
  7. Assignment 2 - Completing W-4
It's your paycheck

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011

    Where does your money go? Part 2

    EQ - Where does your money go?

    1. Knowledge Check: Complete the problem on the board
    2. Recap yesterday's lesson
    3. Breakdown of One Federal Tax Dollar
    4. Breakdown of State Tax Dollars
    5. Class Discussion
    *At 1:30 we will be viewing Obama's Speech to American Students*

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Where does your money go?

    EQ - Where does your money go?
    1. Activator: Complete the problem on the board
    2. Recap yesterday's lesson
    3. Webquest Handout
    4. CLICK HERE for the Webquest
    5. Class Discussion

    Monday, September 26, 2011


    EQ - How are paychecks tabulated?

    1. Activator: Hourly wages
    2. Vocabulary Preview
      1. Gross Pay, Net Pay, Wages, Taxes, Deductions
    3. Pay Stub Outline
    4. Practice Payroll
    5. TOD - What is your opinion of the tax level?

    Friday, September 23, 2011

    SMART Goals Unit Exam Prep

    EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
    1. Review TOD
      1. How does opportunity cost impact SMART Goals? 
      2. Analyze 1 of your SMART Goals and identify the opportunity cost/costs of achieving your goal.
    2. Q&A for Quiz
    3. Quiz
    4. Instant Feedback
    5. Unit Exam Prep
    * Unit Exam Monday*

    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Assessing My Goals

    EQ - What are my SMART financial goals?
    1. Activator:  A look back to your Life Map
      • Where do you want to end up?
      • How are you going to get there?
    2. Your opening day note cards
    3. Analyze your first day financial goals
    4. Rework those goals to make them SMART goals
    5.  Sharing our SMART goals
    6. TOD - Explain your opinion on using the SMART goal setting strategy when creating your personal financial goals
    EQ - How does opportunity cost affect our decisions?
    1. Activator: Gas Prices
    2. Calculate the Savings
    3. Discussion: What can we do with that extra money?
    4. Introduction to Opportunity Cost
      1. Examine your choices
      2. Weighing the benefits
      3. Making Your decision
      4. Identifying the opportunity cost
    5. Discussion Question: What are the benefits and opportunity cost of spending your income today?
    6. Discussion Question: What are the benefits and opportunity cost of saving some of your income?
    7. Analysis - College v. Entering the workforce
    8. Application: Complete "A Tale of Two Savers"
    9. TOD/Homework - 
      1. How does opportunity cost impact SMART Goals? 
      2. Analyze 1 of your SMART Goals and identify the opportunity cost/costs of achieving your goal.
      *Unit Exam Monday*

        Wednesday, September 21, 2011

        SMART Goals

        EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
        1. Activator: Rolling the dice of life
        2. Introduction to Goal Setting(with PPT)
          • Financial v. Educational Goals
          • Short-term and Long-term goals
          • SMART Goals
          1. Identify the missing elements
          2. Knowledge Check
          3. Team Practice

            Tuesday, September 20, 2011

            Unit Exam

            EQ - How will career development impact my personal finances in the future?
            1. Q & A
            2. Exam begins at 12:50 
            3. Preview Chapter 20
              1. Identify key vocabulary
              2. Define the terms
              3. Read the chapter
              4. Summarize your reading in 1 to 2 paragraphs
            4. If time permits - Read this

            Monday, September 19, 2011

            EQ - How do I apply for free money for college?
            1. Activator: In 140 characters or less - What would an extra $1,000 for college mean to you?
            2. Recap Making College Affordable Lesson
            3. Quiz
            4. Scholarships @ Donegal
            5. Apply for 1
            6. Create a study for next class (Unit Exam)
            *Unit Exam next class*

            Thursday, September 15, 2011

            Making College Affordable

            EQ - How can students afford college?
            1. Activator: Income Dilemma
            2. You're Going to College....Now What?
            3. Jigsaw - Methods to pay for college
              • Grants
              • Loans
              • Scholarships
              • FASFA
            4. Discussion - Calculating your need
            5. TOD - In your opinion, what is the best means to help afford college?  Justify your response by using what you have learned in class.

            Tuesday, September 6, 2011

            Career Research Project

            EQ – How can understanding a career pathway help me achieve my financial and career goals?
            1. Team Knowledge Check
            2. *Handout* - Project Directions
            3. Login to (same as yesterday)
            4. Click the "Assessments" Tab at the top of the page
            5. Complete Matchmaker (3 sets of questions)
            6. Complete Skills Assessment
            7. Selec
            8. Introduce Career Poster Project & Presentation
            9. Career Cruising website information 
            10. TOD – One Paragraph response
            Career Poster Project & Presentation

              Friday, September 2, 2011

              The Impact of Education on Income

              EQ -  What impact does one's education have on income?

              1. Activator: Build a Tree
              2. Advanced Organizer
              3. Introduction to Career Planning
              4. TOD - 2 To Go
                1. What are the most important factors to you when choosing a job?
                2. What impact does one's education have on income?
              *If time permits, we will access

              Does money grow on Trees?

              Thursday, September 1, 2011

              Factors of Job Selection

              EQ - What can be done to help you determine if a job is right for you?

              *We will begin by sharing Life Map presentations*
              1. Activator: Brainstorm Important features of a job (List on board)
              2. Key Terminology
              3. Decision Matrix
              4. Create a Decision Matrix for Career Factors
              EQ -  What impact does one's education have on income?

              Factors to consider in job selection

              1. Activator: Build a Tree
              2. Advanced Organizer
              3. Introduction to Career Planning
              4. TOD - 2 To Go
                1. What are the most important factors to you when choosing a job?
                2. What impact does one's education have on income?