Monday, October 31, 2011

Comparing Interest Calculations

EQ - How is simple interest calculated differently than compound interest?
  1. Mini Lesson - Calculating with Percentages 
  2. Practice - Advanced Organizer
  3. Learning Focused Activity - A Saving Comparison: Simple v. Compound
  4. TPS - Discussion Question: What caused the difference in the end result of the activity?
  5. Key Terminology
  6. TOD - Answer the EQ

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Impact of Saving

EQ - How does interest impact your savings?
  1. Activator: Bank It Or Bust
  2. Discussion Questions?
    1. What happened?
    2. Is this a realistic approach for you?
  3. Introduction to Interest
  4. Calculating Interest

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Closer Look At Bank Accounts

EQ - How are banking institutions chosen?
  1. Activator: Chalk Talk Recap
  2. Bank Account Comparisons
  3. Shared Inquiry - Pick The Right Account
  4. Deeper Investingation
    1. How do the items from your reading impact you choice of financial institution?
    2. Check to see
  5. Discussion Question - How are bank accounts different based on customer usage?
  6. TPS  
    1. Review your answer to your initial decision
    2. Has your initial opinion changed? Why or why not?
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ
The Twilight National Bank Of Forks

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    EQ - How are types of bank accounts different?
    1. Activator: Team Quiz 
    2. Jigsaw - Types of Bank Accounts
    3. Discussion Question - What makes these accounts similar? *Think terminology*
    4. Real Life Examimation
      1. Brainstorm Banking Institutions
      2. Partner Information Search
      3. Class Share
      4. Comparison of Institutions
    5. TPS - Which institution do you feel is the best for you?  Explain your rationale.
    6. TPS - What else do you think is important when choosing a financial institution

    Monday, October 24, 2011

    Introduction to Banking

    EQ - How do banks function?
    1. Activator Shared Inquiry - Did You Know
    2. You Can Take That to the Bank *
    3. Discussion Question - How do you know which bank is right for you?
    4. Review SMART Goals
    5. Intro to Depository Institutions PPT
    6. But How Does It Work?
    7. TOD - How do banks function?

    Friday, October 21, 2011

    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Government Assistance

    EQ - How can government assistance help those with budgetary concerns?
    1. Activator: Shared Inquiry Government Assistance Stats
    2. Discussion Question - How do you feel about this information?
    3. Federal Application 
    4. In Pennsylvania - DPW Click Here
    5. The PA State Budget
    6. State Application
    7. Government Assistance Questionnaire

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    Budgeting Quiz

    Using the example from class, complete a budget.  Be sure your income equals your expenses.

    George works as a customer service representative and earns $52,000 per year after taxes.  He has two savings accounts; one at a credit union and the other at a local bank.  These accounts provide him with interest of $135 and $105 interest respectively.  George just recently purchased a new car and owes $400 per month for his car payment.  The car insurance company charges $185 per month and he estimates his upkeep and maintenance will cost him $50 a month.  George rents a one bedroom apartment in a choice location for $650 per month.  His utility bills cost him $175 per month.  In addition, George pays $65 per month to park his car in a secured lot.  George pays $125 per month for the latest iPhone and $125 for the Comcast Triple Play.  His medical and dental insurance plans cost him $75 each per month.  He shops frequently and spends $150 per month on clothes and $200 per month on groceries.  Georges uses $125 of gasoline each month and uses $80 for dining out.  He estimates his monthly expenses are $50.

    Budgeting with Excel

    EQ - How can Excel be used to formulate a system of control?
    1. Homework Check
    2. Activator: Hot Seat
    3. Excel Practice
    4. Budgeting Quiz

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    Creating a Personal Spending Plan

    EQ - How do I create a personal spending plan?
    1. Activator
    2. Homework Check
    3. Organize your spending into categories
    4. Allocate the amounts spent into each category
    5. Discussion Question - What system of control did you use for this assignment?
    6. Evaluate your results
    7. Discussion Question - What categories represented the largest percentage of your spending?
    8. Estimate for your future - CLICK HERE
    9. TOD - How can your adjust your spending to better fit your financial needs?

    Friday, October 14, 2011

    EQ - What advice would you give after analyzing a spending plan?
    1. Quiz
    2. Homework Review
    3. Compose a letter to the Brown's providing advice to improve their spending plan?

      Thursday, October 13, 2011

      Creating a Spending Plan

      EQ - How is a spending plan created?
      1. Activator: Test your knowledge (TPS)
        • Spending Plan Note Taking Guide (19-20)
      2. Application Activity - "The Brown Family Scenario"
        • Steps 1-3
      3. Discussion & Review
      4. Intro - Control Systems
        1. What?
        2. Why?
      5. Complete Steps 4-5
      6. Discussion & Review
      7. Assignment - Complete pages 25-26

      Wednesday, October 12, 2011

      Spending Plan Development

      EQ - What must I do to fulfill my spending plan requirements?
      1. Activator: Hot Seat
      2. Knowledge Check
      3. Choose an event to create a spending plan
      4. Create a spending plan using the steps provided
      5. Peer Evaluation
      6. TOD 
        1. What about your plan went well?
        2. What could you do to better structure your spending plan?
      7. If Time Permits - Create a SMART Goal for your spending plan

      Tuesday, October 11, 2011


      EQ - How is a budget created?
      1. Mini Lesson - Cash Flows
      2. Spending Plan - Advanced Organizer
      3. Spending Plan - PowerPoint
        • Spending Plan Development Process
        • Components of Spending Plans
        • Identifying Spending Plan Components
      4. Develop a Spending Plan
      5. TOD - List the steps of creating a spending plan.

        Wednesday, October 5, 2011


        EQ - How do I complete form 1040EZ?
        1. Activator: 1040EZ Hotseat
        2. 1040EZ Challenge
          1. Use the W-2 provided to complete the 1040EZ
          2. Class Knowledge Check
        3. Unit Exam Prep

        Unit Exam

        EQ -

        1. Q&A 
        2. Unit Exam
        3. Preview Budgeting if time permits

        Tuesday, October 4, 2011

        1040EZ Booklet

        For today's assignment we will be using the form 1040EZ.  The following link will take you to the 1040EZ Directions booklet.  We will not view the booklet in its entirety, however, we will use a few key pages the booklet provides.

        1040EZ Directions Booklet

        Preparing Your Income Taxes

        EQ - How do you apply your learning to your income tax return?

        1. Activator: Hot Seat Challenge
        2. Filing Taxes as a Dependent
        3. Creating a Study Guide
        *Unit Exam Thursday*

        Monday, October 3, 2011

        Tax Return Simulations

        EQ - How do I prepare a tax return?

        1. Activator: Costs of doing taxes
        2. Simulation 1 - W-4
        3.  Simulation 2 - W-2
        4. Table Quiz - Key Terminology
        5. Simulation 3 - 1040EZ
        6. Completing a 1040EZ