Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Credit Reports

EQ - How are credit reports created?
  1. Activator: Check Your Credit Score
  2. Intro Credit Report PowerPoint
  3. Advanced Organizer
  4. Muddy Points Grab Bag
  5. Create a Credit Score Song
    1. Include the following:
      1. What is a good credit score?
      2. Why is developing positive credit a good thing?
      3. How can good credit be developed?
      4. Names of the 3 Major U.S. Credit Bureaus
      5. Fair Credit Reporting Act
      6. Additional Information?
  6. Individual Concept Review

    Credit Scores

    EQ - How does a credit score impact personal finances?
    1. Activator - Welcome Back
    2. Quiz Review
    3. Recap Questionnaire
    4. Bad Credit Hotel Revisited
      1. Take notes
      2. Race to the finish
      3. Debriefing
    5. Activator - Check Your Credit Score
    6. Boo Wikipedia - But it just might work here
      1. Read the Introduction
      2. Read the United States Section
    7. Google Docs
      1. Summary
      2. Analysis
    8. TOD - What have I learned regarding credit scores?

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Formative Assessment

    EQ - How can credit impact my finances?
    1. Quick Review
    2. Formative Assessment
    3. Bad Credit Hotel

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Bad Credit Hotel

    EQ - How can credit impact my personal finances?
    1. Activator: Bad Credit Hotel
    2. Intro Credit Scores
    3. Credit Reports
    4. TOD - How can a high credit score impact your future? A low credit score?

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Credit Card Statements

    EQ - How can credit impact personal finances?
    1. Activator: Hot Seat Questionnaire
    2. Breakdown of a Credit Card Statement
    3. Team Activity - Reading a credit card statement
      1. Create a credit card statement on a piece of paper
      2. Create a 10 question quiz for another group
      3. Create an answer key
    4. Stump your classmates
    5. TOD - What are some areas regarding credit that seem a little fuzzy and need more clarity?

      Credit Card Offers

      EQ - How does credit impact my personal finances?
      1. Activator: Post-It Note Review
      2. Breaking Down A Credit Card Offer
      3. Online Search
        1. Find a Credit Card offer online
        2. Use your advanced organizer to find key information
        3. Prepare to share your findings to the class

      Wednesday, November 16, 2011

      Credit Card Offers

      EQ - How does credit impact my personal finances?
      1. Activator: Team Quiz Yesterday's material
      2. Muddy Points Clarity
      3. Breaking Down A Credit Card Offer
      4. Summarizing Activity - Credit Card Chaos

      Tuesday, November 15, 2011

      A Deeper View of Credit

      EQ - How can credit impact my personal finances?
      1. Activator: Credit Horror Stories
        1. Read the Article
        2. Summarize your reading
        3. Provide your opinion
      2.  PPT - A Deeper View of Credit
        1.  Credit
        2. How Credit Works
        3. Forms of Credit
        4. Interest
        5. Minimum Payments
        6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit
      3. Table Teams - Compile a list of topics learned today and summarize the key learning

      Monday, November 14, 2011

      Defining Credit

      EQ - How does credit impact personal finance?
      1. Activator: Credit Simulation
      2. TPS Quiz - Vocabulary Review
      3. KWL - What do you know about credit?
      4. Defining Credit
        1. History of Credit
        2. The Dilemma
      5. A review of the Compounding Interest Equation
      6. APY and APR
      7. TOD - What have you learned so far about credit?

      Friday, November 11, 2011

      Intro to Credit

      EQ - How does credit affect my personal finances?
      1. Activator:
      2. Intro to Credit PPT
      3. Advanced Organizer
      4. TOD - Today I learned _______ and _______. The most important thing I learned today is ____.
      What is credit?

        Thursday, November 10, 2011

        Banking Unit Assessment

        EQ - How does an understanding of depository institutional savings tools assist us in achieving our financial SMART goals?
        1. Q & A
        2. Unit Assessment
        3. Reading Assignment
          • Read the Article - CLICK HERE
          • Compose 2 paragraphs regarding the article
            1. Summarize your Reading
            2. Tell us your thoughts about what happened

        Wednesday, November 9, 2011

        Checking Account Review

        EQ - How are the types of checking accounts differentiated?
        1. Activator: Quiz
        2. Class Review
          • Purpose of Checking Accounts
          • Deposits v. Withdrawals
          • Cancelled Checks & Overdrafts
          • Parts of a check (10)
          • Rules to Writing Checks
          • Deposit Slips
          • Writing Checks
          • Checkbook Register
          • Bank Reconciliation
        3. Refresh your quiz

        Monday, November 7, 2011

        Bank Reconciliation

        EQ - How are bank account reconciliation statements completed?
        1. Activator: Team Quiz
        2. Finalize Checking and Debit Card Simulation
        3. Introduction to Bank Reconciliation
        4. Complete a Bank Reconciliation
        Bank Reconciliation Process

          Wednesday, November 2, 2011

          Checking Account & Debit Card Simulation

          Please prepare your homework for the beginning of class.  Following a homework check and a review of the correct calculations, we will have a short 5 point quiz to assess your understanding of the Compound Interest Formula.

          EQ - How are checking account managed?
          1. Activator: The story of the $40 hamburger
          2. PowerPoint - Learning Quest
          3. Introduction to the Simulation
          4. Work Time
          5. TOD - Assess what you have learned by completing this simulation.  Include any questions that you may have concerning the management of checking accounts.
          Simple Interest VS. Compound Interest

            Tuesday, November 1, 2011

            Compound Interest

            EQ - How are the formulas for simple and compound interest different?
            1. Activator: Hot Seat Vocab Challenge
            2. Introduction to the Formulas
            3. Lets take a look *Compound Interest Packet - Ex. 1
            4. Try It Yourself *Packet pg. 2
            5. Partner Check
            6. Discussion Question - What would happen if interest compounds more than once a year?
            7. $5000 @ 8%
              • Annually
              • Semiannually
              • Quarterly
              • Monthly
              • Weekly
              • Daily
            8. Homework Practice