Wednesday, December 21, 2011
EQ - How can I use the stock market to enhance my wealth?
  1. Activator: Risk Game
  2. Knowledge Check
    1. Types of Investments
    2. Risk vs. Reward
    3. Rule of 72
  3. Intro to the stock market
    1. Mini-lesson - What is stock
    2. How stock works
  4. Intro - Stock Market Game
  5. Account Setup
  6. Trial by Fire
  7. TOD - What must you remember about investments before making investment decisions?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

EQ - How does risk impact the expectations of investment strategy?
  1. Activator: List the 6 types of investments race - 1st person to do it wins a prize
  2. The investment pyramid
  3. Risk Activity
  4. Risk vs. Return
  5. The Rule of 72
  6. Applying Risk to the Pyramid
  7. Making Connections - What can this pyramid do to help us with our return expectations?
  8. TOD - Muddy Points

Monday, December 19, 2011

Investments Day 1

EQ - How does an understanding of investments enhance a person's financial literacy?
  1. Activator - What do you remember about inflation?
  2. Introduction of weekly agenda
  3. Discussion - What are investments?
  4. Notes Guide
  6. Savings vs. Investments
  7. Jigsaw - Types of Investments (6)
  8. TOD - Today I learned that _________ is ________.  I also learned ______ which ______.  The most important thing I learned today is ______ which means _______.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Dreaded I Word

EQ - How accurately can I demonstrate my learning and understanding of Identity Theft?
  1. Activator: Commercial Recap
  2. Q & A
  3. Quiz - Click Here
  4. Review
EQ2 - After I establish an emergency fund, what can I do to better my long-term financial situation?
  1. Activator: The newest curse word - The "I" word.
  2. Teacher led discussion - What is "I"
  3. Illustration of "I" and its financial impact 
  4. The historic 1993
  5. Preview of Next Unit

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Project Guidelines

Get ready to use your creative wizardry to create a commercial!

You will be working as a team to create a commercial or public service announcement to inform the general public about identity theft.

There will be 5 groups to create the following TV spots:
  1. The What and Why of Identity Theft
  2. Costs of Identity Theft
  3. 3 of the 6 methods used to steal identity
  4. The other 3 methods
  5. The 3-D's to Help
Each TV spot must be 2-5 minutes long and include a detailed description of the content and serve as a review tool. 

All groups will present before the end of the class period.

Good luck!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Identity Theft Protections

EQ - How can you deter, detect and defend against identity theft?
  1. Activator: Turn to your neighbor and describe items that may appear on an Identity Theft Quiz
  2. Discussion Question - What else do we need to know about Identity Theft?
  3. Introduction ID Theft Protections
  4. Internet Exploration
  5. Show what you've found
  6. Introduction to ID Theft Project
  7. Project Work Time
**Project DUE Friday and Quiz Friday**

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Costs of Identity Theft

What are the costs of identity theft?
  1. Activator - Team Skits
  2. Muddy Point w/ Review
  3. How much does Identity Theft Cost?
  4. Independent Reading Assignment - Costs of Identity Theft
    1. Pre-reading
      1. What is the topic
      2. What should I focus on during the reading?
    2. Summarize in 140 characters or less
  5. Partnership Jigsaw
    1. Class Discussion
    2. Knowledge Check
    Link 1 - CNN
    Link 2 - Informationweek

      Monday, December 12, 2011

      Identity Theft

      EQ - How do thieves obtain information to obtain one’s personal identity?
      1. Activator - Capital One Commercials
      2. Discussion Question - What do you know about Identity Theft?
      3. The What and The Why
      4. How Identity Theft Happens (6)
      5. YouTube - Phishing
      6. Team Skit Activity
      7. TOD - Muddy Points
      Spotting Scams

        Friday, December 9, 2011

        Activator - Identity Theft

        Thursday, December 8, 2011

        Bankruptcy Assessment

        EQ - How successfully can I demonstrate my understanding of bankruptcy when given an assessment?
        1. Activator: Review Muddy Points
        2. Q & A
        3. Chapter 19 Assessment
        4. Introduction to Project Guidelines
        * Project due at the beginning of class Monday *

        Wednesday, December 7, 2011

        Bankruptcy Pt. 2

        EQ - How are the advantages and disadvantages of declaring bankruptcy differentiated?
        1. Activator - Based upon yesterday's lesson, how many of you would file for bankruptcy? Why or why not?
        2. Identifying the Causes of Bankruptcy
        3. Advantages of Bankruptcy
        4. Disadvantages of Bankruptcy
        5. Knowledge Check
        6. Issues In Your World (p. 461)
        7. Class Discussion
        8. TOD - Muddy Points
        * Assessment Tomorrow*

          Tuesday, December 6, 2011


          EQ - How do bankruptcy laws affect an individual?
          1. Activator - Wheel of Fortune
          2. Discussion - What do you know about bankruptcy?
          3. Chapter 19 Packet
          4. Chapter 19 Preview
            1. Read Chapter 19.1
            2. Write the Section Goals
            3. B-U-I-C-K
          5. 20/10 Rule
          6. Bankruptcy Defined
            1. Involuntary v. Voluntary
            2. Chapter 11
            3. Chapter 7
            4. Chapter 13
          7. TOD - Check Your Understanding (456)

          Monday, December 5, 2011

          Credit Report Quiz

          EQ - How are credit reports useful?
          1. Activator - Hot Seat
          2. Find your tester
          3. Review Answers
          4. Final Q & A
          5. Credit Report Quiz
          6. Browse the following site and search for information that interests you

          Thursday, December 1, 2011

          Credit Scores

          EQ - How does a credit report show your financial standing?
          1. Activator - Team Quiz
          2. Interactive Credit Report Activity
          3. Individual Quiz