Monday, January 30, 2012

The Impact of Education on Income

EQ - How does the correlation between education and earnings impact your career choice?

  1. Activator - Team Learning Activity - Build a Tree
  2. *Education & Income*
  3. Making Connections
    1. Roots
    2. Trunk
    3. Leaves
  4. *Presentation Intro*
  5. Career Presentations
  6. TOD - 
    1. Out of all the careers presented, which two grabbed your attention the most?  
    2. What sparked your interest in these 2 careers?
    3. What did you notice regarding income and education?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Career Research Project

EQ – How can understanding a career pathway help me achieve my financial and career goals?
  1. Team Knowledge Check
  2. *Handout* - Project Directions
  3. Login to (same as yesterday)
  4. Click the "Assessments" Tab at the top of the page
  5. Complete Matchmaker (3 sets of questions)
  6. Complete Skills Assessment
  7. Select a career from the list and begin your research
Please ask Brent for help if you need it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Factors of Job Selection

EQ - What can be done to help you determine if a job is right for you?

*We will begin by sharing Life Map presentations*
  1. Activator: Brainstorm Important features of a job (List on board)
  2. Key Terminology
  3. Decision Matrix
  4. Create a Decision Matrix for Career Factors
  5. TOD - 1/2 sheet: What factors of job selection are the most important to you? Explain.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Developing A Life Map Continued

EQ - What are your expectations for your future?
  1. Activator: Local Newspaper Headlines
  2. Project Work Time
  3. Presentations to Class

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Developing A Life Map

EQ - What are you expectations about your future?
  1. Activator -  The Starting Line (Soul Pancake)
  2. Review Monetary Goals
  3. TPS - What makes these goals important to you? (On Note Card)
  4. Life Map Intro
    1. Handout
    2. Rubric
  5. Work time to complete life map

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome to Personal Finance

EQ - Based on today's class, what does personal finance mean to you?
  1. Activator:  Personal Finance BINGO
  2. Class Discussion
  3. TPS - Post-It Note Collage - Write 3 ways money affects you and the world 
  4. Discussion - Financial analysis of a day: How has money affected you today?
  5. Introductions: Syllabus, Room Procedures
  6. Back of Index Card - 3 goals you have for this class
  7. TOD: 3-2-1
    • 3 topics you want to learn in this class
    • 2 items you learned today
    • 1 thing you already know from the BINGO card

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Types of Insurance

EQ - How are the various types of insurance different?
  1. Group Assignments
  2. Project Directions
  3. Goal Setting
  4. Work Time
  5. TOD - What portion of your goals has your team accomplished?  What remains to be completed?
Team Presentations on Thursday and an assessment will be on Friday

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Intro to Insurance

EQ - How does insurance work?
  1. Activator - Black Jack
  2. Discussion - What would you do if you saw the dealer had an Ace showing?
  3. What is insurance?
  4. Why do we need insurance?
  5. How does insurance work?
    • How did cavemen protect themselves?
  6. Discussion - What types of items should you insure?
  7. Knowledge Check - Answer the EQ
  8. Preview of tomorrow's class

Monday, January 2, 2012


EQ - What options are available to prepare me for life after my career?
  1. Activator - Total Recall
    1. Risk vs. Return
    2. The Rule of 72
    3. Investment Options (6)
    4. Stock Quotes
  2. Discussion - How do you know what is best for you?
EQ - How are various retirement accounts different?
  1. Activator -Fidelity Commecial
  2. Discussion - Why do most people choose various forms of investments?
  3. What you need to know - CLICK HERE
  4. Jigsaw
    1. IRA's
    2. 401(k)
    3. 403(b)
    4. Pensions
  5. TOD - Answer the EQ