Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Government Assistance

EQ - How can government assistance help those with budgetary concerns?
  1. Activator: Shared Inquiry Government Assistance Stats
  2. Discussion Question - How do you feel about this information?
  3. Federal Application 
  4. In Pennsylvania - DPW Click Here
  5. The PA State Budget
  6. State Application
  7. Government Assistance Questionnaire

Budgeting Quiz

Using the example from class, complete a budget.  Be sure your income equals your expenses.

George works as a customer service representative and earns $52,000 per year after taxes.  He has two savings accounts; one at a credit union and the other at a local bank.  These accounts provide him with interest of $135 and $105 interest respectively.  George just recently purchased a new car and owes $400 per month for his car payment.  The car insurance company charges $185 per month and he estimates his upkeep and maintenance will cost him $50 a month.  George rents a one bedroom apartment in a choice location for $650 per month.  His utility bills cost him $175 per month.  In addition, George pays $65 per month to park his car in a secured lot.  George pays $125 per month for the latest iPhone and $125 for the Comcast Triple Play.  His medical and dental insurance plans cost him $75 each per month.  He shops frequently and spends $150 per month on clothes and $200 per month on groceries.  Georges uses $125 of gasoline each month and uses $80 for dining out.  He estimates his additional monthly expenses total $50.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Evaluating a Budget

EQ - How can I evaluate my ability to follow my budgetary guidelines?
  1. Activator - Budgeting Gadget
  2. Review & Discuss yesterday's assignment
  3. Evaluating a budget
    1. Sample Budget
    2. Review Control Systems
    3. The evaluation process* (Together)
  4. Financial Advice - What advice would you give to Sonny?  Be specific and as detailed as you can.
  5. Self-Evaluation
    1. What kind of spender are you? 
    2. How can the result of this quiz help you when planning your personal budget?
  6. Quiz Review
EQ - How do I create a personal spending plan?
  1. Activator
  2. Homework Check
  3. Organize your spending into categories
  4. Allocate the amounts spent into each category
  5. Discussion Question - What system of control did you use for this assignment?
  6. Evaluate your results
  7. Discussion Question - What categories represented the largest percentage of your spending?
  8. Estimate for your future - CLICK HERE
  9. TOD - How can your adjust your spending to better fit your financial needs?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Preparing Budgets

EQ - How are budgets created?
  1. Activator: Mini Lesson - Budgeting

  2.  Budgeting Activity- The Average Teenager
  3. Class Discussion & Review
  4. Excel Demo

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Spending Plan Development

EQ - What must I do to fulfill my spending plan requirements?
  1. Activator: Hot Seat
  2. Knowledge Check
  3. Choose an event to create a spending plan
  4. Create a spending plan using the steps provided
  5. Peer Evaluation
  6. TOD 
    1. What about your plan went well?
    2. What could you do to better structure your spending plan?
  7. If Time Permits - Create a SMART Goal for your spending plan

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Creating a Spending Plan

EQ - How is a spending plan created?
  1. Activator: Test your knowledge (TPS)
    • Spending Plan Note Taking Guide (19-20)
  2. Application Activity - "The Brown Family Scenario"
    • Steps 1-3
  3. Discussion & Review
  4. Intro - Control Systems
    1. What?
    2. Why?
  5. Complete Steps 4-5
  6. Discussion & Review
  7. Assignment - Complete pages 25-26

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


EQ - How is a budget created?
  1. Mini Lesson - Cash Flows
  2. Spending Plan - Advanced Organizer
  3. Spending Plan - PowerPoint
    • Spending Plan Development Process
    • Components of Spending Plans
    • Identifying Spending Plan Components
  4. Develop a Spending Plan
  5. TOD - List the steps of creating a spending plan.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Calculating Your Paycheck

EQ - How can I determine how much I will make on my paycheck?
  1. Activator: Team Finance Challenge
  2. Biweekly vs. Semimonthly Pay
  3. Calculating a Paycheck
  4. Practice Problems
  5. Unit Assessment Review

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Paycheck and Taxes

EQ - How do taxes affect your take home pay?
  1. Advanced Organizer - Click Here
  2. PowerPoint - Click Here
  3. Use the PowerPoint to complete the Advanced Organizer
  4. ABC News Article
    1. Read the article
    2. Do you think this is fair? Why or why not?

Friday, February 10, 2012


EQ - Where does all my money go?
  1. SMART Goals Quiz
  2. Community Reading
  3. TPS - Identifying Key Vocabulary
    1. Gross Pay, Net Pay, Wages, Taxes, Deductions
  4. Previewing a Paystub - Click Here
  5. Partnership Activity - What does this mean for you?
    1. FICA
      1. Soc. Secutity
      2. Medicare
  6. Calculating your pay
  7. How are these taxes used?
  8. Look At This
  9. TOD - Knowing the effect of deductions from your paycheck, how might this impact you when you begin financial planning using SMART Goals?

Where does your money go?

EQ - Where does your money go?
  1. Activator: Complete the problem on the board
  2. Recap yesterday's lesson
  3. Webquest Handout
  4. CLICK HERE for the Webquest
  5. Class Discussion

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What do you mean I can't keep all of my money?

EQ - How are paychecks calculated?
  1. SMART Goals Quiz Review
  2. Open Ended Response
    1. Preview the question
    2. Read the article
  3. Class discussion
  4. Identifying Key Vocabulary
    1. Gross Pay, Net Pay, Wages, Taxes, Deductions
  5. Previewing a Paystub - Click Here
  6. How are these taxes used?
  7. TOD - Knowing the effect of deductions from your paycheck, how might this impact you when you begin financial planning using SMART Goals?

Intro to Paychecks

EQ - How are paychecks tabulated?

  1. Activator: Hourly wages
  2. Vocabulary Preview
    1. Gross Pay, Net Pay, Wages, Taxes, Deductions
  3. Pay Stub Outline
  4. Practice Payroll
  5. TOD - What is your opinion of the tax level?

SMART Goals - Quiz

EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
  1. Review TOD
    1. How does opportunity cost impact SMART Goals? 
    2. Analyze 1 of your SMART Goals and identify the opportunity cost/costs of achieving your goal.
  2. Q&A for Quiz
  3. Quiz
  4. Instant Feedback

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Assessing SMART Goals

EQ - What are my SMART financial goals?
  1. Activator:  A look back to your Life Map
    • Where do you want to end up?
    • How are you going to get there?
  2. Your opening day note cards
  3. Analyze your first day financial goals
  4. Rework those goals to make them SMART goals
  5.  Sharing our SMART goals
  6. TOD - Explain your opinion on using the SMART goal setting strategy when creating your personal financial goals
EQ - How does opportunity cost affect our decisions?
  1. Activator: Gas Prices
  2. Calculate the Savings
  3. Discussion: What can we do with that extra money?
  4. Introduction to Opportunity Cost
    1. Examine your choices
    2. Weighing the benefits
    3. Making Your decision
    4. Identifying the opportunity cost
  5. Discussion Question: What are the benefits and opportunity cost of spending your income today?
  6. Discussion Question: What are the benefits and opportunity cost of saving some of your income?
  7. Analysis - College v. Entering the workforce
  8. Application: Complete "A Tale of Two Savers"
  9. TOD/Homework - 
    1. How does opportunity cost impact SMART Goals? 
    2. Analyze 1 of your SMART Goals and identify the opportunity cost/costs of achieving your goal.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
  1. Activator: Rolling the dice of life
  2. "Goal Out" - My Future Letter
  3. Introduction to Goal Setting(with PPT)
    • Financial v. Educational Goals
    • Short-term and Long-term goals
    • SMART Goals
  4. Identify the missing elements
  5. Knowledge Check
  6. Team Practice

Monday, February 6, 2012

Unit 1 - Exam

EQ - How are SMART Goals important to my financial well being?
  1. Q & A
  2. Exam
  3. Read and Take Notes on THIS READING 
  4. Discussion
  5. Reading Part 2
  6. Class Discussion
  7. TOD - List and define the elements of SMART Goals

Friday, February 3, 2012

Applying For Free Money

Applications for 2012 Pennsylvania House Scholarships Now Available, Says Hickernell
HARRISBURG – High school seniors can now apply for a Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship to help cover the costs of higher education, Rep. Dave Hickernell (R–Lancaster) announced today.

Each year, two students preparing for post-secondary education are awarded four-year scholarships. The program is privately funded by individual and corporate donors. No tax or other public funds are used.

The program is open to graduating high school seniors who are Pennsylvania residents with plans to attend a Pennsylvania college, university or career school as a full-time student. Students must have attained a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average in high school in order to be eligible for the scholarship. A student’s commitment to community, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities and financial need are also taken into consideration.

The scholarship program is administered through the Foundation for Enhancing Communities. To apply, interested students should visit and click on House Scholarship Information. The application deadline is March 1.

Scholarships are awarded through an independent panel of judges chosen by the foundation.

State Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Contact: Charles Lardner

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Money For College


Making College Affordable

EQ - How can students afford college?
  1. Activator: Income Dilemma
  2. You're Going to College....Now What?
  3. Jigsaw - Methods to pay for college
    • Grants
    • Loans
    • Scholarships
    • FASFA
  4. Discussion - Calculating your need
  5. TOD - In your opinion, what is the best means to help afford college?  Justify your response by using what you have learned in class.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Free Money

EQ - How do I apply for free money for college?
  1. Activator: In 140 characters or less - What would an extra $1,000 for college mean to you?
  2. Recap Making College Affordable Lesson
  3. Quiz
  4. Scholarships @ Donegal
  5. Apply for 1
  6. Create a study for next class (Unit Exam)
*Unit Exam next class*