Monday, April 30, 2012

Retirement Planning

EQ - How do I determine my return on investment?
  1. Activator - do you know if you've made a good investment?
  2. Mini-lesson - Risk vs. Expected Return
  3. Determining Return on Investment

Mutual Funds

EQ - How are types of investments different?
  1. Activator - Hot Seat Questionnaire
  2. Types of Investments Quiz
  3. Difference between stocks and bonds
  4. Activator 2 - The Tortoise and The Hare
  5. Mutual Fund Group Presentation
  6. Mutual Fund Discussion
  7. Additional Mutual Fund Information
  8. TOD - Foldable Summary

Friday, April 27, 2012

EQ - How does the stock market work?
  1. Activator - Pictures with Mr. Hill
  2. How the Stock Market Works
  3. Muddy Points

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

EQ - How does an understanding of investments enhance a person's financial literacy?
  1. Activator - The dreaded "I word"
  2. Okay, okay!!! But what's the point?
  3. Savings vs. Investments
  4. Discussion - What are investments?
  5. Jigsaw - Investopedia
  6. TOD - Today I learned that _________ is ________.  I also learned ______ which ______.  The most important thing I learned today is ______ which means _______.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Investments Day 1

EQ - How are investments evaluated?
  1. Activator - Chalk Talk: What do you think of when you hear the word investment?
  2. TPS - Defining Investments
  3. Guided Reading - Click Here
    1. Post questions on the board
    2. Class discussion
  4. TPS - What Would You Do ?
  5. Defining Risk & Discussing its impact on investments
  6. TOD - List 3 risky investments; List 3 low risk investments

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Identity Theft Assessment

EQ - How can you minimize your risk against identity the
  1. Activator - Study Guide Review (10 minutes)
  2. Unit Assessment
  3. Issues of Personal Finance
    1. Read the Article CLICK HERE
  4. Key a response in MS Word - be sure to include the following
    1. Summarize the article in your own words
    2. Describe your feelings/thoughts on what is happening
    3. Do you believe this is a good thing or a bad thing?
      1. Site at least 3 examples from the article that support your opinion

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Project Guidelines - Identity Theft

Get ready to use your creative wizardry to create a commercial!

You will be working as a team to create a commercial or public service announcement to inform the general public about identity theft.

There will be 5 groups to create the following TV spots:
  1. The What and Why of Identity Theft
  2. Costs of Identity Theft
  3. 3 of the 6 methods used to steal identity
  4. The other 3 methods
  5. The 3-D's to Help
Each TV spot must be 2-5 minutes long and include a detailed description of the content and serve as a review tool.

All groups will present before the end of the class period.

Good luck!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monetary Costs of ID Theft

EQ - What are the monetary costs of Identity Theft?
  1. Activator - What Word?
    1. Choose one of the six methods of identity theft
    2. Describe the method to a partner until they can guess which form of identity theft you are discussing
    3. Switch to the other partner and repeat
  2. Pre-reading - Links posted below
    1. What is the topic
    2. What should I focus on during the reading?
  3.  Each partner will choose one of the articles to read for understanding
    1. Read the article
    2. Take notes
    3. Write a complete summary of the article
  4. Tweet-Time - Reduce your summary to 140 characters or less
    1. Share your Tweet with your partner
    2. Answer your partner's questions by describing your Tweet with more details from the reading.
  5. If time permits - Create a study guide (This must be a newly generated study guide) including ALL information from the Identity Theft Unit
  6. Community Reading when finished
Link 1 - CNN
Link 2 - Informationweek

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monetary Costs of ID Theft

What are the monetary costs of identity theft?
  1. Activator - 3 minutes to review the non-financial costs of identity theft
  2. Independent Reading Assignment - Identity Theft Continued
    1. Read the entire article for understanding
    2. Compose a COMPLETE summary of the reading (This will include information we have already discussed in class)
  3. Be Like Sherlock Holmes
    1. Trade papers with another student in class
    2. Compete with them to see who has the better summary by creating a bulleted list of what was missed in the summary.
    3. Return your partner's paper and discuss what you found that they missed
  4. Update your summary to include what you have missed
    1. Use the website as necessary
  5. Class discussion - Identify the most important elements of today's reading
  6. Community Reading

Friday, April 13, 2012

Costs of Identity Theft

What are the costs of identity theft?
  1. Muddy Point w/ Review
  2. Quiz
  3. How much does Identity Theft Cost?
  4. Independent Reading Assignment - Costs of Identity Theft
    1. Pre-reading
      1. What is the topic
      2. What should I focus on during the reading?
    2. Summarize in 140 characters or less
  5. Partnership Jigsaw
  6. Class Discussion
  7. Knowledge Check
Link 1 - CNN
Link 2 - Informationweek

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Identity Theft

EQ - How do thieves obtain information to obtain one’s personal identity?
  1. Activator - Capital One Commercials
  2. Discussion Question - What do you know about Identity Theft?
  3. The What and The Why
  4. How Identity Theft Happens (6)
  5. YouTube - Phishing
  6. Team Skit Activity
  7. TOD - Muddy Points
Spotting Scams

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Activator - Identity Theft

Credit Unit Assessment

EQ - How can using credit affect personal finances?
  1. Activator - Q & A 
  2. Unit Assessment
  3. Community Reading
  4. Assessment Feedback

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Free Credit Report Dot Com

EQ - How are credit reports created?
  1. Activator: F-R-E-E That Spells Free
  2. Intro Credit Report PowerPoint
  3. Advanced Organizer
  4. Muddy Points Grab Bag
  5. Create a Credit Score Song
    1. Include the following:
      1. What is a good credit score?
      2. Why is developing positive credit a good thing?
      3. How can good credit be developed?
      4. Names of the 3 Major U.S. Credit Bureaus
      5. Fair Credit Reporting Act
      6. Additional Information?
  6. Individual Concept Review

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Finalize Your Credit Story

Finalize your credit story and prepare to present tomorrow during class.