Friday, November 30, 2012

Credit Song

EQ - How are credit reports created?
  1. Activator: Team White Board Competition
  2. Intro Credit Report PowerPoint
  3. Advanced Organizer
  4. Muddy Points Grab Bag
  5. Create a Credit Score Song
    1. Include the following:
      1. What is a good credit score?
      2. Why is developing positive credit a good thing?
      3. How can good credit be developed?
      4. Names of the 3 Major U.S. Credit Bureaus
      5. Fair Credit Reporting Act
      6. Additional Information?
  6. Individual Concept Review
YouTube Songs - F-R-E-E That Spells Free 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Determining Credit Score

EQ - How does your credit score impact your personal finances?
  1. Activator
  2. Boo Wikipedia - But it just might work here
    1. Read the Introduction
    2. Read the United States Section
  3. Google Docs
    1. Summary
    2. Analysis
  4. Class Discussion 
  5. Advantages & Disadvantages of Credit

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Check Your Credit Score

EQ - How does your credit score impact you and your personal finances?
  1. Activator: Confessions of a Shopaholic
  2. The illusion of how credit cards work
  3. Credit Card Stats
  4. Activator - Check Your Credit Score
  5. Boo Wikipedia - But it just might work here
    1. Read the Introduction
    2. Read the United States Section
  6. Google Docs
    1. Summary
    2. Analysis
  7. Class Discussion
  8. Information for the next several class periods

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Intro to Credit

 EQ - How does credit impact personal finance?
  1. Activator: Black Friday Survey
  2. Credit Simulation
  3. KWL - What do you know about credit?
  4. PPT - A Deeper View of Credit
    1.  Credit
    2. How Credit Works
    3. Forms of Credit
    4. Interest
    5. Minimum Payments
    6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit
  5. Table Teams - Compile a list of topics learned today and summarize the key learning

Monday, November 19, 2012

Unit 5 Exam

EQ - How can financial institutions assist me successfully manage my personal finances?
  1. Q & A
  2. Exam begins at 8:07

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Impact of Saving

EQ - How does interest impact your savings?
  1. Activator: Bank It Or Bust
  2. Discussion Questions?
    1. What happened?
    2. Is this a realistic approach for you?
  3. Introduction to Interest
  4. Calculating Interest
    1. Simple Interest 
    2. Compound Interest
    3. Different Interest periods

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homework Due 11/14

Great job on the quiz!

Here is the homework.  Attempt this,try this...get it right, get it wrong.  This will be the basic foundation as we move forward.

  1. If Clint deposits $249 into a bank account that pays 4% interest annually, how much (in total) will Clint have in the account at the end of 6 years?
  2. What the total be if the interest was compounded annually?
  3. How long will it take Clint to double his money? (Use the information provided)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Checking Account Simulation

EQ - How do I manage my checking account?
  1. Activator: Team Hot Seat Challenge (Review of last week's content)
  2. Identifying the steps of managing a checking account
  3. Introduction to the simulation
  4. Project work time
  5.  TOD - 1/4 sheet questionnaire
    1. What steps have you finished today?
    2. What remains to be completed?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Managing Your Checking Account Pt. 2

EQ - What are the steps to responsibly manage a checking account?
  1. Activator - Team Muddy Point Review
    1. Count off 1 - 6 & repeat until everyone has a number
    2. Refresher - Rules of Collaborative Work 
  2. Introducing Running Muddy Points
  3. Making a Deposit
    1. Elements
    2. Guided Practice
    3. Try It
  4. Importance of Accurate Record Keeping
  5. Writing Checks
    1. Elements
    2. Guided Practice
    3. Try It
  6. Simulation Assessment - Part 1 of the simulation
    1. Introduction
    2. Individual practice
    3. Muddy Points
  7. Bank Reconciliation
    1. Introduction
    2. Guided Practice
    3. Try It
  8. TPS - Formulate a step-by-step process 
  9. Simulation Assessment - Part 2 of the simulation
  10. Muddy Point Review

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Managing Your Checking Account

EQ - What are the steps to responsibly manage a checking account?
  1. Activating Strategy – McDonald’s Mat Strikes Again
  2. Introduction/overview of the simulation
    1. Packet Distribution
    2. Pattern of Learning
    3. Running Muddy Point
  3. TPS - Intro to Checking Accounts - Foldable
    1. What/Define
    2. Why/Benefits
    3. Problems
    4. How to access funds
  4. Check Endorsements
    1. Intro
    2. Guided Practice
    3. Try It
  5. Muddy Point w/ Peer Review

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Closer Look at Bank Accounts

EQ - How are banking institutions chosen?
  1. Activator: Chalk Talk Recap
  2. Bank Account Comparisons
  3. Shared Inquiry - Pick The Right Account
  4. Deeper Investingation
    1. How do the items from your reading impact you choice of financial institution?
    2. Check to see
  5. Discussion Question - How are bank accounts different based on customer usage?
  6. TPS  
    1. Review your answer to your initial decision
    2. Has your initial opinion changed? Why or why not?
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ

Monday, November 5, 2012

Choosing Your Depository Institution

EQ - Which local depository institution is right for me?

Visit Google

  1. Use the Advanced Organizer Provided
  2. Google banks near Mount Joy, PA
  3. Select 3 depository institutions to research
    1. At least 1 must be a commercial bank
    2. At least 1 must be a credit union
  4. Research each selected depository institution's website for key information
  5. Place this information in the appropriate location on the advanced organizer
  6. Determine which depository institution best meets your personal requirements.
  7. Use Google Docs & Explain how you determined your decision (2-3 paragraphs)
  8. Create a new document
  9. Name it Last Name - Deposit Choice
  10. Share with
  11. Revise your composition accordingly (MAKE IT THE BEST EVER!!!)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Choosing a Depository Institution

EQ - What factors should be considered when choosing a savings plan?
  1. Activator - The Abilene Paradox Story
  2. TPS Brainstorming: What should we look for when comparing depository institutions?
  3. How can we make this decision?
  4. Josie's Comparison Chart *
    1. Preview the Chart
    2. Terminology Help
    3. Assess terminology cards
  5. Debriefing
  6. Collaborative Pairs - Help Josie Choose
  7. Discussion Question - How can we find this information for our lives?
  8. Summarizer - TOD
    1. What factors were most important to the decision?  Why?
    2. What was the most difficult aspect of making this decision?  Why?