Friday, December 13, 2013

Credit Story

EQ - How can I apply my understanding of credit to compose a creative story that informs others of how credit works?

  1. Apply Your Knowledge – Partnership Activity
    1. Open Google Docs
    2. Add your responses to your most recent document.
  2. Credit Story Project - Review the directions as a class
    1. Choose at least 15 vocabulary terms learned throughout the Credit Unit
    2. Compose a story that indicates an understanding of each term’s meaning
      1. The story should be written as a conversation
      2. The story must be a minimum of 9 frames in length
    3. Design rough draft illustrations for your story
    4. Create the final draft of your entire credit story (Due Tuesday at the start of class).
  3. REMEMBER - Organize your thoughts and compose a creative story that describes important elements of credit that we have discussed in class.  You may (but are not limited to) include the following information:
    1. Description of Credit
    2. How credit works
    3. Credit Reporting Agencies
    4. Credit Scores
    5. Bankruptcy
  4. This story should be written in Google Docs
      1. Your password is Capital DSD and your lunch Code (DSD12341242)

      Wednesday, December 11, 2013

      Managing Credit

      Muddy Point Review from last class

      EQ - How do I obtain credit?
      1. Activator - Brainstorm ways to borrow or obtain credit? (List on board)
      2. Reveal
      3. Discussion of sources of borrowing/obtaining credit
      4. Usury Laws
      5. Today's Meet Summary

      EQ - How can poor credit management impact your personal financial situation?

      1. Activator - Brainstorm 3-5 signals that show a person is getting into financial trouble with credit.
      2. Discussion Question - What can a person do to improve a troubling financial situation?
      3. Intro - Credit Counseling
        1. What is credit counseling?
        2. How does credit counseling work (Key activities)?
        3. Where can you find assistance?
        4. Muddy Points
      4. TPS: Bankruptcy - 2 Forms
        1. Foldable
          1. Type of bankruptcy (Defined/What?)
          2. How does it work?
          3. Benefits?
          4. Drawbacks?
      5. Knowledge Check
        1. Identify 7 warning signs that a person is in financial trouble.
        2. Explain the 2 main activities of the CCCS?
        3. Describe two options when declaring bankruptcy.
        4. Why might it be easier for someone to obtain credit if they have filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead of Chapter 7 bankruptcy?  Support your answer with specific details from the entire Credit Unit.
        5. Managing Debt - Credit decision making
      6. Debriefing
      7. Muddy Points

      Monday, December 9, 2013

      Credit Reports

      EQ - How are credit reports created?
      1. Activator: What is the greatest advantage of using credit?  Justify your answer.
      2. Intro Credit Report PowerPoint
        1. Credit Report Detectives, Inc - Client Isabella
        2. Credit Review
        3. Parties involved in Credit Reporting
        4. 4 Categories of a Credit Report
        5. Impact of a Credit Score
        6. Determining a Credit Score
        7. Positive vs. Negative Credit Score Decisions
      3. Summarizer - What you do makes a difference
      4. Positive Practices
      5. Negative Practices
      6. Summary
      7. TOD - Muddy Points

      Thursday, December 5, 2013

      Credit Song

      EQ - How are credit reports created?
      1. Activator: Team White Board Competition
      2. Intro Credit Report PowerPoint
      3. Advanced Organizer
      4. Muddy Points Grab Bag
      5. Create a Credit Score Song
        1. Include the following:
          1. What is a good credit score?
          2. Why is developing positive credit a good thing?
          3. How can good credit be developed?
          4. Names of the 3 Major U.S. Credit Bureaus
          5. Fair Credit Reporting Act
          6. Additional Information?
      6. Individual Concept Review
      YouTube Songs - F-R-E-E That Spells Free 

      Wednesday, December 4, 2013

      Check Your Credit Score

      Continuation of last class.
      1. Please prepare your homework & review
      2. Submit homework
      3. Class Discussion - Prove to me that your method of taking notes was effective.
      4.  Muddy Point Clarification
      EQ - How does your credit score impact you and your personal finances?
      1. Activator: Confessions of a Shopaholic
      2. The illusion of how credit cards work
      3. Credit Card Stats
      4. Activator - Check Your Credit Score
      5. Boo Wikipedia - But it just might work here
        1. Read the Introduction
        2. Read the United States Section
      6. Google Docs
        1. Summary
        2. Analysis
      7. Class Discussion

      Tuesday, December 3, 2013

      Intro to Credit

      EQ - How does a person use credit?
      1. KWL - What do you know about credit? 
      2. Discussion Question - What was the most influential element of the film "Maxed Out"?
      3. PPT - A Deeper View of Credit
        1. Credit
        2. How Credit Works
        3. Forms of Credit
        4. Interest
        5. Minimum Payments
        6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit
      4. Table Teams - Compile a list of topics learned today and summarize the key learning
      5. TOD - Update your KWL