Monday, March 31, 2014

Choosing a Depository Institution

EQ - What factors should be considered when choosing a savings plan?
  1. Activator -Quiz
  2. TPS Brainstorming: 
    1. What are depository institutions?
    2. List the 2 types of depository institutions.
    3. What should we look for when comparing depository institutions?
  3. Comparing the 2 types
  4. What features of checking/savings accounts are most important to you?
  5. Discussion Question - How can we find this information to help us make personal finance decisions?
  6. Finding the perfect financial institution for you.
    1. Demo - PSECU
    2. Google depository institutions near Mount Joy, PA
    3. Select 3 depository institutions to research
      1. At least 1 must be a commercial bank
      2. At least 1 must be a credit union
    4. Research each selected depository institution's website for key information
    5. Place this information in the appropriate location on the advanced organizer
    6. Determine which depository institution best meets your personal requirements.
    7. Use Google Docs & Explain how you determined your decision (2-3 paragraphs)
    8. Create a new document
    9. Name it Last Name - Deposit Choice
    10. Share with
    11. Revise your composition accordingly (MAKE IT THE BEST EVER!!!)
  7. Summarizer - TOD
    1. What factors were most important to the decision?  Why?
    2. What was the most difficult aspect of making this decision?  Why?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Unit 5 - Introduction to Banking Systems

EQ - Why are bank accounts important to me?
  1. Activator -
    1. Active Reading TPS - I'm the Biggest Boss (of my money)
    2.  Discussion Question - Why is it important to open a bank account?
  2. How does a bank function? - You Can Take That to the Bank *
  3. Discussion Question - How do you know which bank is right for you?
    1. Shared Inquiry - Did You Know
      1. Identify unknown words
      2. Identify questions you have
      3. Discussion 
    2. Top 3 - Identify and Rank
      1.  What are your top 3 reasons that teens should learn about banks and bank accounts?
    3. Homework - Complete the Note Taking Guide and be prepared to use the information tomorrow in class.  Intro to Depository Institutions PPT - CLICK HERE FOR THE PPT

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    Unit Exam Study Guide Info

    As always click the Unit Map for test information. 

    Additionally, please comment with the web addresses of your study guides that you created.
    1. Click Comment
    2. Choose Anonymous
    3. Copy and Paste the web address

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    Google Drive

    Log in - PowerSchool ID
    Password - DSD+lunchcode

    Be a Financial Advisor

    EQ -  How is a real life budget created, evaluated, and adjusted? 
    1. Activator - Sonny's Receipts
      1. TCAIE
    2. Evaluating a budget
      1. Sample Budget *
      2. Control Systems
      3. The evaluation process* (Together)
    3. Financial Advice - What advice would you give to Sonny?  Be specific and detailed *
      1. What are the elements of good writing?
      2. Google Docs Instruction Sheet
      3. Letter Directions
      4. Composition Work Time
    4.  Self-Evaluation
      1. What kind of spender are you? 
      2. How can the result of this quiz help you when planning your personal budget?
    5. TOD 
      1. Review the Unit Map
      2. Develop a Strengths and Weaknesses Chart to assess your current comprehension of Unit 4 objectives
      3. How can you use this information to prepare for your Unit Exam

    Monday, March 24, 2014

    Evaluating Budgets

    EQ - How is a real life budget created, evaluated, and adjusted?
    1. Collaborative Teams - Review the previous lesson content including the following:
      1. TCAIE
      2. Show how to allocate expenses to categories (use "Step Three" in the packet)
      3. Calculating Percentage of Income Used
      4. Pie Chart Percentages
    2. Collaborative Teams - Questionnaire
      1. What are the similarities between the Brown Family's expense allocation and the average expense allocation?
      2. What are 2 differences?
    3. Debriefing - White Board Response
      1. What 3 steps of budgeting are for PLANNING?
      2. Which category allocation from the scenario most alarms you?
      3. What makes it alarming?
    4. Activator - TPS: Budgeting Gadget
    5. Control Systems
    6. Evaluating a budget
      1. Sample Budget *
      2. Control Systems
      3. The evaluation process* (Together)
    7. Financial Advice - What advice would you give to Sonny?  Be specific and detailed *
      1. Google Docs Instruction Sheet
      2. Letter Directions
      3. Composition Work Time
    8. Self-Evaluation
      1. What kind of spender are you? 
      2. How can the result of this quiz help you when planning your personal budget?

    Friday, March 21, 2014

    Developing a Budget

    EQ - What are the steps used to develop a budget?
    1. Activator: Test your knowledge (TPS)
      • Spending Plan Note Taking Guide
    2. Application Activity - "The Brown Family Scenario"
      • Steps 1-3
    3. Discussion & Review
    4. Intro - Control Systems
      1. What?
      2. Why?
    5. Complete Steps 4-5
    6. Discussion & Review
    7. Assignment - Complete pages 25-26

    Wednesday, March 19, 2014

    Unit Exam and Intro to Budgeting

    Unit 2 Exam - SMART Goals & FCCLA Decision Making
    1. Exam
    When finished: 

    Please access your laptop & visit the class website

    Unit EQ - How are budgets used to make wise financial decisions?

    LEQ 1 - How are income and expenses classified?
    LEQ 2 - What are the steps to develop a budget?
    1. Activator - Chalk Talk
      1. What do adults pay for on a monthly basis?
      2. White Board Groups - Estimations
    2. Mini Lesson - Cash Flows
    3. Spending Plan - Advanced Organizer
    4. Spending Plan - PowerPoint
      • Classifying Income and Expenses  (LEQ 1)
      • Spending Plan Development Process (LEQ 2)
      • Components of Spending Plans  (LEQ 2)
      • Identifying Spending Plan Components (LEQ 1 & 2)
    5. TOD - Today's Meet (CLICK HERE FOR LINK)
      • List the steps of creating a spending plan.
      • Muddy Points

    Tuesday, March 18, 2014

    FCCLA Decision Making Model

    EQ - How can we develop a logical argument to explain a decision?
    1. SMART Goals Quiz
    2. Activator - Forced Decision
      1. Directions
      2. Statements
      3. Reflection
      1. Decide by Chance
      2. Introduction to FCCLA's Method - LINK HERE
      3. As a class - Solving a problem

      4. Collaborative Group Activity

        1. Choose a problem
        2. Identify the 6 steps of DECIDE
        3. 4 share
      5. TPS - Making Decisions

      6. TOD - Answer the EQ


      Monday, March 17, 2014

      Guest Speaker and Finalizing SMART Goals

      Guest Speaker, David Martin joins us this morning!  He has visited Donegal many times in the past and is glad to be a part of your Personal Finance class.

      1. Guest Speaker
      2. Finalizing SMART Goals
      3. Life Map
      4. Unit Exam Tomorrow

      Friday, March 14, 2014

      Analyzing SMART Goals

      EQ - How are SMART Goals important to my financial well being?
      1. Activator - Collaborative Pairs Review the elements of SMART goals
      2. SMART Goals PPT
        1. Complete the following in groups of 2 students
        2. Jot Notes as you complete the Slide Show
        3. Post your questions and/or comments to Today's Meet
      3. SMART Educational Goals
        1. Complete p. 17-18
        2. Double Check
      4. TOD - List and define the elements of SMART Goals
      **Homework - Packet (p. 19-20)


      Thursday, March 13, 2014

      Introduction to SMART Goals

      Resume Checklist 
      Directions for uploading files to

      EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
      1. Activator: Rolling the dice of life
      2. "Goal Out" - My Future Letter
      3. Introduction to Goal Setting (with PPT)  (The PDF Version)
        • Financial v. Educational Goals
        • Short-term and Long-term goals
        • SMART Goals
      4. Identify the missing elements
      5. Knowledge Check
      6. Team Practice
      *Introduction - Life Map assignment*

      Wednesday, March 12, 2014

      Finalize Your Resume

      EQ - How do I create an effective resume?
      1. Activator - You be the judge
      2. Review Resume Writing
        • Effective Language
        • Layout/Design
        • References
      3. Final Draft Resume Writing
      4. TOD - How do you think your resume looks? Explain
      We will use the remaining class time to ensure that your CareerCruising Portfolio is up-to-date.  Should you need additional time after today's class, please see me for a Tribe Time pass.

      Monday, March 10, 2014

      Résumé Writing

      EQ - How do I create an effective résumé?

      1. Activator - Describe how to get a job
      2. Introduction to Résumés – PowerPoint
        • Take Notes
      3. Class Discussion
      4. Create or update a personal résumé and upload it to Career Cruising

        Wednesday, March 5, 2014

        Financial Aid

        EQ - How can financial aid impact my future personal finances?
        1. List - 10 Things You Need to Know About Paying for College
        2. Inquire - What questions do you have about financial aid?
        3. Note - Distribution of Article
          1. Frame It (Title, Section heading)
          2. Anticipate the purpose
          3. Actively Read
            1. Highlight unknown words
            2. Write questions/thoughts in the margin
            3. Briefly summarize each section after reading
        4. Know - CERA
        5. Career Cruising Financial Aid Section
          1. Access your portfolio
          2. Click Find A School
          3. Click Financial Aid (Link @ bottom of page)
        6. Find and apply for a scholarship
        7. TOD - Muddy Points