Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good Luck on finals!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Finalizing Insurance

  1. Activator - Compare and Contrast Homeowners and Renters insurance
  2. Review Remainder of Class Schedule
  3. Webquest Project 
  4. Muddy Points - Insurance 

Webquest Project

Directions - With a partner, research the following topics.  Develop a resource that can be used by newbies to understand the essential elements of each type of insurance.   

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Auto Insurance Continued

EQ - What are the similarities and differences between homeowners and renters insurance policies?
  1. Visit This website - Click Here
  2. Choose a company and compare the policies for Homeowners and Renters Insurance
    *This must be keyed in MS Word or Google Drive*
    1. What is the purpose of Homeowners Insurance?
    2. What is the purpose of Renters Insurance?
    3. What do the policies cover?
    4. In what ways are the policies similar?
    5. How are the policies different?
  3. Activator - Ticket in the Door
  4. Create a Study Guide for our Insurance Unit - Quizlet
    1. Use your Unit Map
    2. All Unit Handouts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Auto Insurance

EQ - How do you choose an appropriate auto insurance policy?
  1. Activator - Chalk Talk: Updating the KWL
  2. Student Needs Assessment - Previous Class
    1. Progress
    2. Questions
    3. Time Needed
  3. Activator - Accident Scenario Diagram
  4. Distribute Auto Insurance - Student Guide
    1. Talk to the Text
    2. Think Aloud
  5. Assignment - Evaluate the coverage needed
  6. TOD - Q&A

Monday, June 2, 2014

Insurance Continued

EQ - How is an insurance program developed?
  1. Activator - Partner Review:  Use your Advanced Organizer to review with a partner
  2. Quiz
  3. Active Reading
    1. Insurance Defined
    2. Types of Risks
    3. Methods of Risk Management
    4. Strategies for Risk Management
    5. Planning an Insurance Program
    6. Defining Liability
  4. Section Assessment