Monday, August 29, 2016

Career Cruising

EQ - What matters to me when choosing a career pathway?
  1. AP – Activator - Factors of Career Selection Races
  2. Review Decision Making Matrix
  3. Factors of Job Selection Quiz
    1. Submit Quiz to the Personal Finance tray
    2. Take your account information Access Card
    3. Take a Laptop
EQ How will managing personal finances impact your major life decisions?
  1. Following Your Quiz Activator – Quote Analysis

“Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Which road do I take?' she asked.
'Where do you want to go?' responded the Cheshire Cat.
'I don't know,' Alice answered.
'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't matter.”

  1. TPS – What makes decision making so difficult?
  2. Laptops -
  3. Discussion Question - What are you hoping to learn during your career exploration?
  4. Click the "Assessments" Tab at the top of the page
  5. Complete Matchmaker (3 sets of questions)
  6. Complete Skills Assessment
  7. Browse two of your top choices
  8. Create a Decision Matrix to choose which career is best for you to research
  9. AO - Begin your research
  10. Rubric Distribution
  11. Presentation Preparation

Friday, August 26, 2016

The Decision Making Matrix

EQ - How can I use Decision Matrix make a career decision?
  1. Activator - Planning a class trip
  2. Introduction to the Decision Matrix (Teacher demo)
  3. Small Group Practice
  4. Splashdown – The characteristics of career selection
  5. AP - Individual Practice - Create a decision matrix using the factors of careers selection
  6. AP - TPS
    1. List the 3 most important factors of career selection to you
    2. Describe 2 factors that are not important to you
    3. What makes your top choice the most important to you?
  7. TOD – How can using the decision making matrix help you make a career selection?

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Factors of Career Selection

EQ - How can understanding the factors of career selection help you plan for your future?

  1. Activator -  The Starting Line  – *Will be used as a baseline for future data analysis of writing proficiency*
  2. AP - Identifying Goals
    1. How many of you have included goals in your “Starting Line” writing
    2. Discussion Question - What makes these goals important to you?
  3. Collaborative Pairs
    1. Brainstorm 4 ways to generate money
    2. Which way is the most common?
    3. What is the difference between a job and a career?
  4. Splashdown – Make a list of important factors when considering a career path
  5. Class discussion – Factors of consideration when choosing a career
    1. *Handout – Factors to Consider in Career Selection
    2. Rank ‘Em 
  6. Collaborative Pairs – Create a mnemonic device
  7. AP - Summarizer - Muddy Points Grab Bag
  8. Intro to Decision Making Matrix *Handout to homework*

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome to Personal Finance

EQ - What can I expect to gain from taking Personal Finance?
  1. Activator:  Personal Finance BINGO
  2. AP - Class Discussion related to terminology
  3. TPS - Whiteboard Collage - Write 3 ways money affects you and the world 
  4. TPS - Financial analysis of a day: How has money affected you today?
  5. Class Discussion – Impact of education on income *Handout at end of discussion to reinforce concept
  6. AP – Frayer Foldable: List and describe 3 impacts discussed in class that you believe to be the most important. In the final box, explain what the correlation between education and income is and what it means for you.
  7. Introductions: Syllabus, Room Procedures, Grad. Project
  8. Back of Index Card - 3 goals you have for this class
  9. TOD: 3-2-1
    • 3 topics you want to learn in this class
    • 2 items you learned today
    • 1 thing you already know from the BINGO card
15.6.12.A: Evaluate the impact of internal and external influences on financial decisions.