Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Finalizing SMART Goals and a New Decision Making Tool

  1. Splashdown - Elements of SMART goals
  2. SMART Goal Evaluation
    1. Post Group SMART Goal to the white board
    2. Museum Walk - Identify the missing elements
  3. Review Feedback
  4. Rework if needed
  5. Knowledge Check - SMART Goal Quiz
EQ - How can we develop a logical argument to explain a decision?
  1. Activator - Hybrid Description
  2. Independent
    1. Mind Tools - How Good Is Your Decision Making
    2. Complete the reflection
      1. What did you score on the assessment?
      2. What does your score mean?
      3. Develop a plan for yourself that will help you improve your decision making.
  3. Collaboration
    1. Forced Decisions
    2. Complete the reflection
      1. Questions on handout
  4. Direct
    1. Introduction to FCCLA's Method - LINK HERE 
    2. Complete the reflection
      1. What decisions can be made without needing a systematic approach?
      2. What types of decisions can be made easier by following this systematic approach?
    1. Collaborative Group Activity
      1. Choose a problem
      2. Identify the 6 steps of DECIDE
      3. Group Share - Making Decisions
    2. TOD - Muddy Points

    Monday, February 11, 2019

    Financial Aid

    EQ - How can financial aid impact my future personal finances?
    1. List - What have you heard about Financial Aid?
    2. Inquire - What questions do you have about financial aid?
    3. Note - Terms to Know Before You Begin (link in Schoology: Financial Aid Summary Assignment)
      1. Frame It
      2. Anticipate the purpose
      3. Actively Watch (pause when necessary)
        1. Note important elements
        2. List unknown/uncomfortable words
        3. Write questions/thoughts
        4. Briefly summarize 
    4. Know - Review your list of your Inquiries AND compose a summary of what you now know.
    5. Summarizer - Complete the Know
      1. What is the most meaningful thing you learned from today's LINK?
      2. Muddy Points
    Part 2: Develop a digital media presentation to share what you've learned with other high school students.

    Part 3: Financial Aid Summary - Schoology (Grad. Project)

    Friday, February 8, 2019

    Commencement (Career Exploration -> Reducing the Cost of College)

    EQ - How do I apply for a scholarship?
    1. Activator - Scholarship Talk
    2. Career Presentation Reflection
    3. CareerCruising - Financial Aid Selector
    4. Apply for a Scholarship\
    5. Schedule Review

    Tuesday, February 5, 2019

    Career Presentations

    Tuesday - Monday

    Career Presentations begin today.  Please prepare by taking out your rubric, a pen/pencil, and a full sheet of paper.

    1. Fold the paper in half 3 times
    2. Write the presenter's name in the top of the box.
    3. Write the title of the career under the name.
    4. Actively listen and record two interesting items about the career in the box.

    Following presentations, there will be a written assignment that will require you to have these notes