Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Costs of Identity Theft

EQ -

  1. Prep - Full sheet foldable 
    1. Fold into thirds (like a letter)
    2. Headings (Side 1)
      1. Types of ID Theft
      2. Ways to Protect
      3. What you learned
    3. Headings (Side 2)
      1. Financial Cost
      2. Emotional Cost
      3. FTC Steps
  2. Activator - List the 6 types of identity theft discussed in class and brainstorm tactics that may protect you from being victimized.
  3. Research Victim Stories
    1. Financial Cost
    2. Emotional Cost
  4. Group Share (1's with 1's; 2's with 2's)
  5. Collaborative Pairings (1 & 2 together to share)
  6. FTC Recovery Steps
    1. Collaborative Review
  7. Summarizer:
    1. Three D's of ID Theft
    2. Compare your brainstormed tactics to the recommended tactics. 
    3. Side 1, Column 3 - List ways to deter thieves from stealing your identity based on today's lesson material
  8. Next Class
    1. Address Change
    2. Quiz
    3. Intro to Unit Assessment