Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Opportunity Cost

EQ - How does opportunity cost affect our decisions?
  1. Activator: Gas Prices
  2. Calculate the Savings
  3. Discussion: What can we do with that extra money?
  4. Introduction to Opportunity Cost
    1. Examine your choices
    2. Weighing the benefits
    3. Making Your decision
    4. Identifying the opportunity cost
  5. Discussion Question: What are the benefits and opportunity cost of spending your income today?
  6. Discussion Question: What are the benefits and opportunity cost of saving some of your income?
  7. Analysis - College v. Entering the workforce
  8. Application: Complete "A Tale of Two Savers"
  9. TOD/Homework - 
    1. How does opportunity cost impact SMART Goals? 
    2. Analyze 1 of your SMART Goals and identify the opportunity cost/costs of achieving your goal.


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