Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Intro to Banking

EQ - Why are bank accounts important to me?
  1. Activator -
    1. Active Reading TPS - I'm the Biggest Boss (of my money)
    2.  Discussion Question - Why is it important to open a bank account?
  2. Shared Inquiry - Did You Know
    1. Identify unknown words
    2. Identify questions you have
    3. Discussion 
  3. How does a bank function? - You Can Take That to the Bank *
  4. Discussion Question - How do you know which bank is right for you?
  5. Top 3 - Identify and Rank
    1.  What are your top 3 reasons that teens should learn about banks and bank accounts?
  6. Homework - Complete the Note Taking Guide and be prepared to use the information tomorrow in class.  Intro to Depository Institutions PPT - CLICK HERE FOR THE PPT

Monday, October 29, 2012

Bank Analysis

EQ - How are types of bank accounts different?
  1. Activator: Team Quiz 
  2. Jigsaw - Types of Bank Accounts
  3. Discussion Question - What makes these accounts similar? *Think terminology*
  4. Real Life Examination
    1. Brainstorm Banking Institutions
    2. Partner Information Search
    3. Class Share
    4. Comparison of Institutions
  5. TPS - Which institution do you feel is the best for you?  Explain your rationale.
  6. TPS - What else do you think is important when choosing a financial institution

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Letter Review

EQ - How can we improve the quality of our writing?
  1. Activator - Tell me about yesterday.
  2. Letter Improvement
    1. Review the rubric & advanced organizer
    2. Compare your letter with the requirements
    3. Use the highlighter feature in Google Drive to identify the requirements you satisfied.
      ***  If you are missing any requirements, feel free to update your letter. ***
      1. Red - Identify at least 2 problematic areas of Sonny's budget
      2. Blue - Identify your explanation of why these are problematic
      3. Green - Your recommendations for Sonny to make changes
      4. Yellow - The recommended control system
      5. Orange - The explanation of how the control system works
  3. Regrouping
    1. Take a look at the list of common comments for your letters
    2. Choose the comment or comments that are best suited for your paper
  4. Collaborative Pairs
    1. Read your partner's letter
    2. Do you agree or disagree with his/her perspective?
    3. Explain why or why not.
  5. Make adjustments as necessary
  6. Reflection
    1. What did you see?
    2. What do you think?
  7. Dream Vacation Project Work Time

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dream Vacation Budgeting Project

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.  Today you will have an excellent substitute helping you complete today's lesson material.  Please remember that your Letter of Advice to Sonny is due by the end of the day today.  Remember to submit it to Google Drive and share with me as per the directions provided.

EQ - How is a budget planned, implemented, and adjusted?
  1. Project packet distribution
  2. Review the directions
  3. Work individually or with a partner to research the information required for the project.
Tomorrow we will begin class by reviewing your Letter of Advice to Sonny.  Following that, we will continue developing our Dream Vacation Budget.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sonny's Budget Homework Answers

Please input your answers into the form provided below.

Financial Advisor Project

EQ - How is a real life budget created, evaluated, and adjusted?
  1. Homework Input w/
  2. Activator - Categorizing Sonny's Expenses
  3. Evaluating a budget
    1. Sample Budget *
    2. Review Control Systems
    3. The evaluation process* (Together)
  4. Financial Advice - What advice would you give to Sonny?  Be specific and detailed *
    1. Google Docs Instruction Sheet
    2. Letter Directions
    3. Composition Work Time
  5. Self-Evaluation
    1. What kind of spender are you? 
    2. How can the result of this quiz help you when planning your personal budget?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Evaluating A Budget

EQ - How is a real life budget created, evaluated, and adjusted?
  1. Collaborative Teams - Review yesterday's lesson content including the following:
    1. TCAIE
    2. Show how to allocate expenses to categories (use "Step Three" in the packet)
    3. Calculating Percentage of Income Used
    4. Pie Chart Percentages
  2. Collaborative Teams - Questionnaire
    1. What are the similarities between the Brown Family's expense allocation and the average expense allocation?
    2. What are 2 differences?
  3. Debriefing - White Board Response
    1. What 3 steps of budgeting are for PLANNING?
    2. Which category allocation from the scenario most alarms you?
    3. What makes it alarming?
  4. Activator - TPS: Budgeting Gadget
  5. Evaluating a budget
    1. Sample Budget *
    2. Review Control Systems
    3. The evaluation process* (Together)
  6. Financial Advice - What advice would you give to Sonny?  Be specific and detailed *
    1. Google Docs Instruction Sheet
    2. Letter Directions
    3. Composition Work Time
  7. Self-Evaluation
    1. What kind of spender are you? 
    2. How can the result of this quiz help you when planning your personal budget?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Developing a Budget

EQ - What are the steps used to develop a budget?
  1. Activator: Test your knowledge (TPS)
    • Spending Plan Note Taking Guide (19-20)
  2. Application Activity - "The Brown Family Scenario"
    • Steps 1-3
  3. Discussion & Review
  4. Intro - Control Systems
    1. What?
    2. Why?
  5. Complete Steps 4-5
  6. Discussion & Review
  7. Assignment - Complete pages 25-26

Monday, October 15, 2012

Intro to Unit 4 - Budgeting

Unit EQ - How are budgets used to make wise financial decisions?

LEQ 1 - How are income and expenses classified?
LEQ 2 - What are the steps to develop a budget?
  1. Activator - Word Association
  2. Mini Lesson - Cash Flows
  3. Spending Plan - Advanced Organizer
  4. Spending Plan - PowerPoint
    • Classifying Income and Expenses  (LEQ 1)
    • Spending Plan Development Process (LEQ 2)
    • Components of Spending Plans  (LEQ 2)
    • Identifying Spending Plan Components (LEQ 1 & 2)
  5. TOD 
    • List the steps of creating a spending plan.
    • Muddy Points

Thursday, October 11, 2012


EQ - How do I complete a 1040 EZ?
  1. Activator - White Board Checklist
  2. Collaborative Pairs - Homework Check 
  3. 1040 EZ Quiz
  4. Review key concepts
  5. Study Guide Preparation
  6. Review 1040EZ Quiz
**Unit Exam is scheduled for tomorrow AND you will have a hearing screening.**

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A closer look at Form 1040EZ

Good morning everyone!  Hope you enjoyed your 3 day Homecoming weekend.  Today, I am participating in a conference and won't be able to meet with you.  Ms. Martin will be working with you today and I will see you tomorrow.

EQ - How are the elements of a 1040EZ defined?
  1. Activator
    1. Splashdown what you remember about Form 1040EZ
    2. Share with a neighbor
  2. Partner Project Directions
    • Count off 1-14 and repeat until everyone has a number (Your Number represents your group's portion of the entire class project)
    • Find your partner and access the class website
    • Visit the Link provided here and view/complete your assigned tutorial
    • Create a Prezi to share the content of your tutorial with the class
      • Visit Prezi HERE
      • You May need to create an account
  3. Project Presentations
    • You an your partner will present your Prezi to the class
  4. Audience Expectations
    • Actively watch the presentations
      1. Jot notes
      2. List key ideas
      3. List key terminology
      4. Write questions you have
    • Ask  your questions
  5. TOD - Muddy Points (place TOD in PF folder)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Minimum Wage Laws

EQ - How do current minimum wage laws affect your pay?
  1. Activator - Muddy Points Review
  2. Discussion - What do you know about minimum wage?
  3. Federal Minimum Wage Laws
    1. Review guidelines - Actively read the article
    2. Prepare for a class discussion
  4. Can You Survive?
  5. Writing Assignment
    1. Before you begin
      1. Explain your opinion of a job that will pay your $9/hr.
      2. Would you be able to provide for yourself at this hourly rate?
    2. What was this experience like for you?
    3. Has your perception changed?  Why or why not?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Salary vs. Hourly

We will begin today's class by taking a look at your work from Friday.
  1. Activator: An aggregate view of federal income tax dollars
  2. Assignment
    1. Answer the EQ
    2. Describe your opinion on how our federal income are dispersed.
      1. Do you think the allocation is appropriate? Why or why not?
      2. If you could change anything regarding how tax dollars are spent, what would you change?  Explain.
  3.  Class discussion

EQ - What considerations factor into the calculation of a paycheck?
  1. Activator - How much did Sally make of her first paycheck?  Second?
  2. The Impact of Overtime
  3. Hourly vs. Salary
  4. Defining Pay Periods
  5. Assessing the impact
  6. TOD - Muddy Points