Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A closer look at Form 1040EZ

Good morning everyone!  Hope you enjoyed your 3 day Homecoming weekend.  Today, I am participating in a conference and won't be able to meet with you.  Ms. Martin will be working with you today and I will see you tomorrow.

EQ - How are the elements of a 1040EZ defined?
  1. Activator
    1. Splashdown what you remember about Form 1040EZ
    2. Share with a neighbor
  2. Partner Project Directions
    • Count off 1-14 and repeat until everyone has a number (Your Number represents your group's portion of the entire class project)
    • Find your partner and access the class website
    • Visit the Link provided here and view/complete your assigned tutorial
    • Create a Prezi to share the content of your tutorial with the class
      • Visit Prezi HERE
      • You May need to create an account
  3. Project Presentations
    • You an your partner will present your Prezi to the class
  4. Audience Expectations
    • Actively watch the presentations
      1. Jot notes
      2. List key ideas
      3. List key terminology
      4. Write questions you have
    • Ask  your questions
  5. TOD - Muddy Points (place TOD in PF folder)

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