Wednesday, January 30, 2013

FInal Presentation Preparations

EQ - After researching your career, how do you know whether or not it is a valid option for you?
  1. Activator - Quote Analysis
    • "Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." ~ Benjamin Franklin
  2. Rubric Prep
  3. Peer Share
    • Partner 1 Present
    • Partner 2 Feedback
    • Partner 2 Presents
    • Partner 1 Feedback
  4.  Class Reflection
    1. What went well?
    2. What could be improved?
  5. Revision Work Time
  6. Re-Present
    • Partner 2 - Present
    • Partner 1 - Feedback
    • Partner 1 - Present
    • Partner 2 - Feedback
  7. TOD: 3-2-1
    • 3 - Reasons why you will succeed when presenting
    • 2 - Changes you made that made your visual aid better
    • 1 - Reason how this process has helped you

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