Thursday, February 28, 2013

Assessing Your Tax Prep Skills

EQ - What are the steps to complete a 1040EZ?
  1. Activator - White Board Questionnaire
    1. Qualifiers for using Form 1040EZ
    2. Maximum Standard Deduction
    3. Income - Standard Deduction = ?(Term)?
    4. **Trivia Bonus**
  2. 1040EZ Quiz
  3. Review Unit Map & Create a Study Guide - Click Here
  4. 1040EZ Quiz Review
  5. Prezi Presentations
  6. Unit Exam Q & A

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Completing a 1040EZ

EQ - How do I complete my tax return using a 1040EZ?
  1. Activator - Chalk Talk Recap
  2. Prezi Review
  3. Distribution of Materials
    1. 1040EZ
    2. W-2 (x2)
    3. Interest Statement
  4. Collaborative Pairs - Try It
  5. Class Check
  6. TOD - Muddy Points

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Closer Look at Form 1040EZ

EQ - How are the elements of a 1040EZ defined?

  1. Activator - TPS
    1. Splashdown what you remember about Form 1040EZ
    2. Share with a neighbor
    3. Class Summary
  2. Partner Project Directions
    1. Count off 1-14 and repeat until everyone has a number (Your Number represents your group's portion of the entire class project)
    2. Find your partner and access the class website
  3. Visit the Link provided here and view/complete your assigned tutorial
  4. Create a Prezi to share the content of your tutorial with the class
    1. Visit Prezi HERE
    2. You May need to create an account
  5. Project Presentations
    1. You and your partner will present your Prezi to the class (by the end of the period)
  6. Audience Expectations (Advanced Organizer)
    1. Actively watch the presentations
    2. Jot notes
    3. List key ideas
    4. List key terminology
    5. Write questions you have
  7. Ask  your questions 
  8. TOD - Muddy Points (place TOD in PF folder)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Project Based Learning

EQ - What does the federal sequester mean for Americans?

Work individually to learn about the federal sequester scheduled to take effect this Friday.  You may use a variety of resources to find information that will help you understanding the the

- What is is?
- Who is involved?
- When is it taking place?
- Where will the program cuts be felt the most?
- Why is is happenings?

Recommended resources include, but are not limited to the following:

Please Type your responses into MS Word and save as DDAP 3

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Minimum Wage Laws

EQ - How do current minimum wage laws affect your pay?
  1. Activator: Can You Survive?
    1. Before you begin
      1. Explain your opinion of a job that will pay your $9/hr.
      2. Would you be able to provide for yourself at this hourly rate?
    2. The Experience - Can You Survive?
    3. What was this experience like for you?
    4. Has your perception changed?  Why or why not?
  2. KWL - Minimum Wage
  3. Discussion - What do you know about minimum wage?
  4. Federal Minimum Wage Laws
    1. Review guidelines - Actively read the article
    2. Complete the "L" of your KWL
    3. Prepare for a class discussion
  5. Muddy Points Review

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Calculating Paychecks

  1. Activator: An aggregate view of federal income tax dollars
  2. Assignment
    1. Answer the EQ
    2. Describe your opinion on how our federal income are dispersed.
      1. Do you think the allocation is appropriate? Why or why not?
      2. If you could change anything regarding how tax dollars are spent, what would you change?  Explain.
  3.  Class discussion

EQ - What considerations factor into the calculation of a paycheck?
  1. Activator - How much did Sally make of her first paycheck?  Second?
  2. The Impact of Overtime
  3. Hourly vs. Salary
  4. Defining Pay Periods
  5. Assessing the impact
  6. TOD - Muddy Points

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Payroll & Taxes Part 1

EQ 1 - How are gross pay and net pay different?
EQ 2 - How does the government spend our tax dollars?
  1. Activator - Preview Survey
  2. Identifying Key Vocabulary
    1. Gross Pay, Net Pay, Wages, Taxes, Deductions
  3. Previewing a Paystub - Click Here
  4. How are these taxes used? - Where Did My Tax Dollars Go 
  5. Partnership Activity
    1. Choose one category where tax dollars are allocated
    2. Create a poster to illustrate the components of your category
    3. Share with the class
  6. Assignment
    1. Answer the EQs
    2. Describe your opinion on how our federal income are dispersed.
      1. Do you think the allocation is appropriate? Why or why not?
      2. If you could change anything regarding how tax dollars are spent, what would you change?  Explain.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Unit 2 Exam

Your Unit 2 Exam will begin in 7 minutes

 Please take out your Life Map assignment and prepare for your test.

When you have finished
  1. Submit your test to the PF folder 
  2. Access your laptop.
  3. Log in and visit the class website
  4. Actively Read - "Open Ended Response"
EQ - What is the difference between gross pay and net pay?
  1. Activator - Money, Money, Money, Money
  2. Open Ended Response
    1. Preview the question
    2. Read the article
  3. Class discussion
  4. Identifying Key Vocabulary
    1. Gross Pay, Net Pay, Wages, Taxes, Deductions
  5. Previewing a Paystub - Click Here
  6. How are these taxes used?
  7. TOD - Knowing the effect of deductions from your paycheck, how might this impact you when you begin financial planning using SMART Goals?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Opportunity Cost

EQ - How can we develop a logical argument to explain a decision?

Please prepare your Decision Packet
  1. Activator - 4 Share
  2. Construct Support
    1. Summarize your decision
      1. What did you decide? (TS)
      2. What 3 reasons helped you make this decision? (Body)
      3. Conclude your response (Conclusion)
  3. Discussion Questions
    1. What did you give up by making this decision?
    2. Do you think your decision was worth it? Why or why not? 
  4. Explanation of Opportunity Cost
  5. Review Test Concepts
    1. SMART Goals
    2. Duration of Goals
    3. D.E.C.I.D.E.
    4. Opportunity Cost    

Thursday, February 14, 2013

FCCLA Decision Making

EQ - How can we develop a logical argument to explain a decision?
  1. Activator - Class Collage
    1. What problems do people your age face?
    2. Class discussion.
  2. Decide by Chance
  3. Introduction to FCCLA's Method

  4. As a class - Solving a problem
  5. Collaborative Pair Activity
    1. Choose a problem
    2. Identify the 6 steps of DECIDE
    3. 4 share
  6. TPS - Making Decisions
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Analyzing SMART Goals

EQ - What are my SMART financial goals?

Please find your note card
  1. Activator:  A look back to your opening day note card
  2. DDAP 
    1. Actively READ the article
      1. Jot key words, ideas, and interesting points
      2. Ask questions
    2. Reflect to Comprehend
      1. Summarize
        1. Tell what happened
        2. in order
        3. in your own words
        4. without opinion
    3. Voice your opinion
      1. What do you think about the information presented?
      2. How has your perspective changed? Explain.
  3. Analyze your first day financial goals
  4. Rework those goals to make them SMART goals
  5.  Sharing our SMART goals
  6. TOD - Explain your opinion on using the SMART goal setting strategy when creating your personal financial goals

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reviewing SMART Goals

EQ - How are SMART Goals important to my financial well being?
  1. Activator - Team Quiz
  2. What's Missing?
  3. Let's look at your Financial SMART Goals *Homework*
  4. Team Review & Assessment
  5. Prom Survey
    1. Are you going?
    2. Are you paying for anything?
    3. How much will you need?
    4. How will you save that amount of money?
  6. SMART Goals PPT
  7. SMART Educational Goals
    1. Complete p. 17-18
    2. Double Check
  8. TOD - List and define the elements of SMART Goals
**Homework - Packet (p. 19-20)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Introduction to SMART Goals

EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
  1. Activator: Rolling the dice of life
  2. "Goal Out" - My Future Letter
  3. Introduction to Goal Setting (with PPT)  (The PDF Version)
    • Financial v. Educational Goals
    • Short-term and Long-term goals
    • SMART Goals
  4. Identify the missing elements
  5. Knowledge Check
  6. Team Practice
*Introduction to Life Map assignment*

Friday, February 8, 2013

Finalize the Career Unit

EQ - How do I create an effective resume?
  1. Activator - You be the judge
    • Is this resume of high quality?
    • What would you change to make it better?
  2. Review Resume Writing
    • Effective Language
    • Layout/Design
    • References
  3. Resume Writing
  4. TOD - How do you think your resume looks? Explain

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Résumé Writing

EQ - How do I create an effective résumé?

Class will begin in the Guidance Office - The G.O. has prepared a presentation that will assist you moving forward.  After the presentation we will return to the classroom and begin our lesson.
  1. Activator - Describe how to get a job
  2. Introduction to Résumés – PowerPoint
    • Take Notes
  3. Class Discussion
  4. Create or update a personal résumé and upload it to Career Cruising

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Financial Aid Section - Career Cruising

EQ - How do I apply for a scholarship?
  1. Activator - 10 Things You Need to Know About Student Loans
    1. Frame It (Title, Section heading)
    2. Anticipate the purpose
    3.  Actively Read
      1. Highlight unknown words
      2. Write questions/thoughts in the margin
      3. Briefly summarize each section after reading
    4. Summarize the reading (tell what happened, in order, in your own words, without opinion)
    5. Analyze the reading (thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, ways to use this information)
  2. Career Cruising Financial Aid Section
    1. Access your portfolio
    2. Click Find A School
    3. Click Financial Aid (Link @ bottom of page)
  3. Find and apply for a scholarship
  4. TOD - Muddy Points

Monday, February 4, 2013

Career Presentations

Please prepare for your presentations.  Best of luck as you present your career research and take one giant leap towards completing your graduation project requirements.

Photo Credit: Editor In Brief

While others are presenting, you are required to complete the Audience Participation Advanced Organizer.  Upon the conclusion of today's presentations, you will have a TOD.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Applying for Free Money

EQ - How do I apply for scholarships and grants?
  1. Activator - Peer Hot Seat
  2. Collaborative Work - Google Docs
  3. Applying for Free Money

Complete a Google search and find scholarships for high school juniors like this one.  There are so many scholarships available for you.  Additionally you may search the DHS page for scholarships available to DHS students.

By the end of the period today you will complete at least one scholarship application.

Look for scholarships like these online. Unfortunately, the deadline just passed but this site offers various scholarship opportunities throughout the year.

Short and Tweet Scholarship

Short and Tweet Scholarship