Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Closer Look at Form 1040EZ

EQ - How are the elements of a 1040EZ defined?

  1. Activator - TPS
    1. Splashdown what you remember about Form 1040EZ
    2. Share with a neighbor
    3. Class Summary
  2. Partner Project Directions
    1. Count off 1-14 and repeat until everyone has a number (Your Number represents your group's portion of the entire class project)
    2. Find your partner and access the class website
  3. Visit the Link provided here and view/complete your assigned tutorial
  4. Create a Prezi to share the content of your tutorial with the class
    1. Visit Prezi HERE
    2. You May need to create an account
  5. Project Presentations
    1. You and your partner will present your Prezi to the class (by the end of the period)
  6. Audience Expectations (Advanced Organizer)
    1. Actively watch the presentations
    2. Jot notes
    3. List key ideas
    4. List key terminology
    5. Write questions you have
  7. Ask  your questions 
  8. TOD - Muddy Points (place TOD in PF folder)

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