Friday, March 8, 2013

Budget Evaluation

EQ -  How is a real life budget created, evaluated, and adjusted? 

Please access your computer and visit the website.  Additionally, complete the Bell Ringer on the half sheet provided.  Thanks!
  1. Bell Ringer - On Your Half Sheet
    1. What 3 steps of budgeting are for PLANNING?
    2. Which category allocation from the Brown Family scenario most alarms you?
    3. What makes it alarming?
    4. What are control systems?
    5. List AND describe all 3 control systems discussed in class.
  2. Activator - TPS: Budgeting Gadget
  3. Evaluating a budget
    1. Sample Budget *
    2. Review Control Systems
    3. The evaluation process* (Together)
  4. Financial Advice - What advice would you give to Sonny?  Be specific and detailed *
    1. Google Docs Instruction Sheet
    2. Letter Directions
    3. Composition Work Time
  5. Self-Evaluation
    1. What kind of spender are you? 
    2. How can the result of this quiz help you when planning your personal budget?

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