Friday, January 23, 2015

Factors of Career Selection

EQ - What factors should be considered when choosing a career?
  1. Activator -  The Starting Line (Soul Pancake)
  2. Review Monetary Goal
    • How many of you have included monetary goals in your “Starting Line” writing?
    • Discussion Question - What makes these goals important to you?
  3. Collaborative Pairs
    • Brainstorm 4 ways to generate money
    • Which way is the most common
    • What is the difference between a job and a career?
  4. Splashdown – Make a list of important factors when considering a career path? 
  5. Class discussion – Factors of consideration when choosing a career
    • *Handout – Factors to Consider in Career Selection
  6. Rank ‘Em
  7. Collaborative Pairs – Create a pneumonic device
  8. Summarizer - Muddy Points Grab Bag 
  9. Intro to Decision Making Matrix *Handout to homework*
 **Homework - Create an outline for a decision matrix using the factors to consider in career selection AND your personal rankings for each. **

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