Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Decision Making Matrix

EQ - How can I decide which career option is right for me
  1. Activator - Small Group Planning
    • Index card groups
    • If you could plan an afternoon trip for this class, what would in include?
    • Class Discussion
  2. Introduction to the Decision Matrix (Teacher demo)
  3. Small Group Practice
  4. Individual Practice (if necessary)
  5. Splashdown – The characteristics of career selection
  6. Create a decision matrix using the factors of careers selection
  7. TOD
    • List the 3 most important factors of career selection to you. Explain.
    • Describe 2 factors that are not important to you. Explain. 
    • What makes your top choice the most important to you?
 **Homework** Prepare for a quiz on factors of career selection AND the decision matrix

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