Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Choosing a Depository Institution

EQ - What factors should be considered when choosing a savings plan?
  1. Activator - Practice Quiz
  2. TPS Brainstorming: 
    1. What are depository institutions?
    2. List the 2 types of depository institutions.
    3. What should we look for when comparing depository institutions?
  3. Comparing the 2 types
  4. What features of checking/savings accounts are most important to you?
  5. Discussion Question - How can we find this information to help us make personal finance decisions?
  6. Finding the perfect financial institution for you.
    1. Demo - PSECU
    2. Google depository institutions near Mount Joy, PA
    3. Select 3 depository institutions to research
      1. At least 1 must be a commercial bank
      2. At least 1 must be a credit union
    4. Research each selected depository institution's website for key information
    5. Place this information in the appropriate location on the advanced organizer
    6. Determine which depository institution best meets your personal requirements.
    7. Use Google Docs & Explain how you determined your decision (2-3 paragraphs)
    8. Create a new document
    9. Name it Last Name - Deposit Choice
    10. Share with
    11. Revise your composition accordingly (MAKE IT THE BEST EVER!!!)
  7. Summarizer - TOD
    1. What factors were most important to the decision?  Why?
    2. What was the most difficult aspect of making this decision?  Why?

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