Friday, February 7, 2014

Minimum Wage Laws

EQ - How do current minimum wage laws affect your pay?
  1. Activator: LINK
    1. List - TPS- What do you know about minimum wage?
    2. Inquire - TPS - What questions can be formed from this list?
    3. Read "The Impact of $9 Minimum Wage"
    4. Collaborative Groups - Discussion - What's the big deal about minimum wage?
    5. Note - Make Notes about your discussion.  Look for answers to our inquiry questions, connections to what you already know or heard about in our discussion, and new questions that arose as you read.
    6. Know -  Write a short explanation (140 characters or less) of what you now know about minimum wage.
    7. Discussion - How has your understanding of minimum wage changed as a result of the reading and discussion?
  2. Developmental Activity - Can You Survive?
    1. TPS - Before you begin
      1. Explain your opinion of a job that will pay your $9/hr.
      2. Would you be able to provide for yourself at this hourly rate?
    2. The Experience - Can You Survive?
    3. TPS - What was this experience like for you?
    4. Has your perception changed?  Why or why not?
  3.  Additional Reading - Federal Minimum Wage Laws

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