Thursday, September 25, 2014

Analyzing SMART Goals

EQ - How are SMART Goals important to my financial well being?
  1. Activator - Collaborative Pairs Review the elements of SMART goals
  2. Evaluating SMART Goals
    1. Write a SMART Goal on the board
    2. Museum Walk Analysis
    3. Update and Improve
  3. Individual SMART Goal Creation
    1. Write a SMART Goal
    2. Self-Analysis
    3. Peer Analysis
  4. TOD - Answer the EQ 
  5. Study Help - SMART Goals PPT
    1. Complete the following in groups of 2 students
    2. Jot Notes as you complete the Slide Show
    3. Post your questions and/or comments to Today's Meet


  1. Matt Daly
    EQ: How are SMART Goals important to my financial well being?
    Answer: You should always plan if you're going to buy something big like a car or a house so you don't end up wasting money or not being able to buy what you need in the time that you need it. So using SMART Goals is a great way that you can accomplish these tasks as good as possible.

  2. Smart goals are important to my financial well being because if I can make sure I can actually achieve it making sure it is reasonable and reasonable timing, and setting these goals gives you an idea of what you need to do to be successful and helps you stay motivated to do it.

  3. SMART goals are important to my financial well being, because if I have a goal I need it to be specific, measurable, attainable, and time bound. All four of those are what a smart goal is. Using that it can help you make good goals for yourself, provide a plan, structure, and a motivator.


  4. SMART goals are important to my financial well being because they help me to understand how I can achieve long term and short term financial goals. They allow me to set standards for my finances and they help me manage money in a sensible way. - Emma

  5. SMART Goals are important because not only does it gives you a reason to save but if you're saving money that takes money away from your budget for the things you need in life. In other words it helps with budgeting money and make goals to help in your future.
    -N. Roden

  6. B. Sweigart

    It is always good to have smart goals set so that way you have the quickest and most cost efficient way of doing something. Also setting a smart goal gives you soemthing to work for.

  7. SMART goals are important to my financial well-being because it will save my money in the long run and leave me with the best possible financial situations in the future.
    -Hannah Hensley

  8. SMART goals are important to my financial well being because they provide me with a structure of how to carry out my goals. These goals are also motivators to give me something to work towards and once achieved it allows a sense of accomplishment. SMART goals help organize my goals and achieve success. Y. Ortiz

  9. Smart goals help me with my financial goals because it helps me figure out when and how i need to save my money and for how long. It also tells me if it is realistic and attainable. DMOHR

  10. EQ: How are SMART goals important to my financial well being?
    SMART goals can always help you whether its buying a car, house, or even a phone. It helps you become financially stable by controlling what you are buying and keeping records for how much you spent on what you bought, or are going to buy. -R. Camp

  11. Smart Goals are important because they help you achieve your financial or education goals through specific plan. IT is an organized way to reach a goal you have.
    -Katie W.

  12. SMART goals are important to my financial well- being because it will help you see improvement in the future. It also gives you the motivation of achieving that goal in any way possible.


  13. SMART goals are important because they help you plan out how much money you are going to be spending in a specific time period. You will then know what to expect when the time is over and you will know whether you will have enough or not. They help you be as successful when reaching for something.
    -michelle m

  14. Smart goals are important because they help you maintain motivation to meet that goal. Also help you plan ahead for financial choices in the future.

  15. SMART goals are important because they set up how you are going to save the money and how it will be used in the future. They also help you to manage money when going to buy something. goals help you by motivatingb you to achieve something.
    T. Amspacher

  16. SMART goals are important to my financial well-being because they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time consuming, which allows me to have a sense of direction while achieving my goals. The goals are set in order for you to achieve your goals, being realistic enough for you to accomplish them. They aren't too far out of reach which motivates you more. O. Musser

  17. SMART goals are important to my financial well being by guiding me to make smart financial decisions so I do not go broke, and can pay for things i need like housing, a car and college
