Monday, April 25, 2016

Intro to Credit

 EQ - How does credit impact personal finance?
  1. Activator: Anticipatory Guide
  2. The Business of Credit
    1. Credit Simulation
    2. Partnership Training - PPT - A Deeper View of Credit
      1. Define Credit
      2. How Credit Works
      3. Forms of Credit
      4. Interest
      5. Minimum Payments
      6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit
    3. Museum Walk
    4. Muddy Points
    EQ - How can understanding how a good credit score is determined impact your life in the future?
    1. Activator: What is the greatest advantage of using credit?  Justify your answer.
    2. Intro Credit Report PowerPoint
      1. Credit Report Detectives, Inc - Client Isabella
      2. Credit Review
      3. Parties involved in Credit Reporting
      4. 4 Categories of a Credit Report
      5. Impact of a Credit Score
      6. Determining a Credit Score
      7. Positive vs. Negative Credit Score Decisions
    3. Summarizer - What you do makes a difference
    4. AP - Positive Practices
    5. AP - Negative Practices
    6. AP – Summary
    7. Debriefing
    TOD - Muddy Points

    Friday, April 22, 2016

    Banking Unit Exam

    EQ - How does an understanding of depository institutional savings tools assist us in achieving our financial SMART goals?
    1. Q & A
    2. Unit Assessment
    3. Reading Assignment
      • Read the Article - CLICK HERE
      • Compose 2 paragraphs regarding the article
      1. Summarize your Reading
      2. Tell us your thoughts about what happened

    Monday, April 11, 2016

    Monday - Wednesday

    EQ - How does a person effectively use a bank account?

    1. Quiz - Depository Institutions
      1. Type your responses in Schoology
    2. Packet Distribution - "What do you think?"
      1. Read for understanding
      2. Take notes using a sim-card foldable
        1. Side 1
          1. Box 1 - Commercial Banks vs. Credit Unions
          2. Box 2 - How does a person open bank accounts?
          3. Box 3 - Benefits of using a checking account.
          4. Box 4 - How does a person effectively use a checking account?
        2. Side 2
          1. Deposit Slips - Complete in the packet
          2. Check Writing - Complete in the packet
          3. Check Register - Complete in the packet
          4. Debit Cards - How are they used effectively?
      3. Find the error on the second page of the packet.
    3. Union National Checking Account Exercise
      1. Read the directions
      2. Complete Part 1 - Use 2 lines for each transaction
    4. PowToons Assignment - Sign up using the Google Account provided by the school
      1. Create a presentation using PowToons to help a future high school student understand the information you have collected in your notes.  Topics include the following items:
        1. Box 1 - Commercial Banks vs. Credit Unions
        2. Box 2 - How does a person open bank accounts?
        3. Box 3 - Benefits of using a checking account.
        4. Box 4 - How does a person effectively use a checking account?
        5. Deposit Slips - Complete in the packet
        6. Check Writing - Complete in the packet
        7. Check Register - Complete in the packet
        8. Debit Cards - How are they used effectively?
      2. Share the URL in the discussion board on Schoology.

    Thursday, April 7, 2016


    Savings Tools

    EQ - How would you choose the best savings tool to help meet your financial goals?
    1. Activator - List what you know about savings tools
    2. Graphic Organizer
    3. Savings Tools PowerPoint
      1. Savings Tools PowerPoint (PPT)
      2. Savings Tools PowerPoint (pdf)
        1. Intro to Savings Tools
        2. 4 Types of Savings Tools
        3. Review of Liquidity
        4. Characteristics of Savings Tools
    4. AP - Collaborative Pairs
      1. Create an Infographic that includes details on each of the 4 savings tools
        1. Name of savings tools
        2. Characteristics of each savings tool
        3. Liquidity and Interest Rate expectations
    5. TOD - Muddy Points
    *Intro to Check Register*

    Monday, April 4, 2016

    Intro to Depository Institutions

    EQ - How can bank accounts benefit me?
    1. Activator – How does the banking system work
      1.  Draw and label a picture of how you believe the banking system works
    2. Chalk Talk – How banks work
    3. AP – Update your picture and summarize how banks work on the back of your paper
    4. Activator – Money Matters (YouTube music video)
      1. Active Reading TPS - I'm the Biggest Boss (of my money)
      2.  Discussion Question - Why is it important to open a bank account?
    5. AP – Reading Response Questionnaire
      1. What are savings and checking accounts, and how do they differ?
      2. How can opening a bank account help you learn to budget? Why is this important, especially if you use a debit card?
    6. Discussion Question - How do you know which bank is right for you?
    7. Shared Inquiry - Did You Know
      1. Identify unknown words
      2. Identify questions you have
      3. Discussion 
    8. AP - Top 3 - Identify and Rank
      1.  Students partner up to list as many reasons as they can to explain why bank accounts are important.
      2. Groups will list reasons on the board and then explain why they believe their group has the best reasons.
      3. TOD - Students will individually rank their top 3 reasons that teens should learn about banks and bank accounts?
    Homework - Complete the Note Taking Guide and be prepared to use the information tomorrow in class.  Intro to Depository Institutions PPT - CLICK HERE FOR THE PPT