Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Introduction to SMART Goals - Hybrid

EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
  1. Activator: Berkeley Omnipreneurship Course
  2. Independent - Motivational Quote Analysis
    1. Read the motivational quotes published HERE
    2. Choose the quote that you like the best.
    3. Describe what the quote means and how you can use it in your life to help you with goal setting.
  3. Collaborative
    1. Think, Pair, Share - What are some goals that a teenager may have.  List as many as you can think of and put each one on its own post-it note.
    2. Choose a spokesperson from your group and have the spokesperson read all of the potential goals to the group.
    3. Hang the post-it notes on the closet door when finished.
  4. Direct - Introduction to SMART Goals
    1. Introduction to Goal Setting (with PPT
      1. Financial v. Educational Goals
      2. Short-term and Long-term goals
    2. Why SMART goal setting works
    3. How do transform goals into SMART Goals
  5. Regrouping
    1. Directions
      1. New Groups (5)
      2. Choose all post-its of the same color
      3. Evaluate the goals listed
        1. Which need SMART goals
        2. Which do not?
      4. Attempt to write a SMART goal for one of the post-it note goals.
  6. TOD - Muddy Points
Day 2
  1. Splashdown - Elements of SMART goals
  2. SMART Goal Evaluation
    1. Post Group SMART Goal to the white board
    2. Museum Walk - Identify the missing elements
  3. Review Feedback
  4. Rework if needed
  5. Knowledge Check - SMART Goal Quiz

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