Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Welcome to Personal Finance

EQ - What can I expect to gain from taking Personal Finance?
  1. Activator:  Personal Finance BINGO
  2. AP - Class Discussion related to terminology
  3. Collaborative Mind Map - "Just Care"
    1. Review how to create a Mind Map
    2. Independently design a Mind Map - "Just Care"
    3. Notecard Groups - Giant Post-It 
    4. Museum Walk - Place a star next to what your group agrees with the most
    5. Debriefing - Pick a new partner & discuss the meaning of "Just Care"
  4. Independent Assignment - What will you do to "Just Care" this semester?
  5. TPS - Whiteboard Collage - 
    1. Write 3 ways money affects you and the world 
    2. Discuss: How has money affected you today?
    3. Think: Donegal Investment/Student **
    4. Discuss: Who makes this money available to invest in you?
    5. Revisit "Just Care"
  6. Introductions: Syllabus, Room Procedures, Grad. Project
  7. Back of Index Card - 3 goals you have for this class
  8. TOD: 3-2-1
    • 3 topics you want to learn in this class
    • 2 items you learned today
    • 1 thing you already know from the BINGO card
  9. Survey - Homework
15.6.12.A: Evaluate the impact of internal and external influences on financial decisions.

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