Thursday, February 20, 2020

Intro to SMART Goals

EQ - How are SMART goals applied to financial decisions?
  1. Quiz - FCCLA Decision Making Process
  2. Activator: Effectiveness Exploration: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Watch and Reflect
    1. Which of these habits do you use in your life?
    2. Which do you think would be most valuable for you to develop?
    3. How/in which situations can you begin developing these habits?
    4. How can we use these habits to accomplish what matters to us?
    5. Discussion Question - How can developing these habits help you achieve your goals?
    6. TPS: Focus on habits 1 & 2
      1. Be Proactive - What does this really mean?
      2. Begin With the End in Mind - How does this habit connect with goal setting?
    7. Collaborative Collage
      1. Think, Pair, Share - What are some goals that a teenager may have.  List as many as you can think of and put each one on its own post-it note.
      2. Hang the post-it notes on the closet door when finished.
    8. Discussion Question: How can we be proactive to achieve these goals?
      1. Small Group Collaboration Prompts:
        1. What evidence exists that shows writing down your goals helps you achieve your goals?
        2. How can someone write an effective goal?
        3. What are the various methods of goal setting?
        4. What are the pros and cons of each method?
        5. Which method do you believe is the best method for you?
      2. SMART Focus
        1. Development of a Graphic Organizer
        2. Notetaking
      3. Collaborative Application
        1. Choose ____ of post-its
          1. Evaluate the accomplishments
            1. Which need SMART goals?
            2. Which do not?
          2. Choose one accomplishment and write a SMART goal to help you earn the accomplishment.
      4. TOD - Muddy Points
      Day 2
      1. Splashdown - Elements of SMART goals
      2. SMART Goal Evaluation
        1. Post Group SMART Goal to the white board
        2. Museum Walk - Identify the missing elements
      3. Review Feedback
      4. Rework if needed
      5. Knowledge Check - SMART Goal Quiz

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