Friday, May 24, 2013

Diversification & Portfolios

EQ - What makes it important to diversify your portfolio when investing?
  1. Activator - 1/2 sheet splashdown
    1. Write at least 4 concepts learned in class yesterday
  2. Blue Chips & Penny Stocks
  3. Bungee Jumping
    1. How can we reduce the risk associated with bungee jumping?
  4. Diversification
  5. Portfolio
  6. Q & A
  7. Quiz

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Investment Investigation

EQ - What differentiates the multiple types of investments?
  1. Activator - Julie invested $450.  At the end of 3 years her investment was worth $1,392.
    1. What was Julie's rate of return?
    2. Use yesterday's class content to identify where her portfolio probably gets positioned on our Risk & Expected Return chart.
      1. Use specific details to support your opinion.
  2. Research the following investment options to understand how each functions.
    1. Government Bonds
    2. Corporate Bonds
    3. Preferred Stock
    4. Common Stock
  3. Utilize TodaysMeet to collaborate with your classmates
  4. Debriefing
  5. TOD

Friday, May 17, 2013


  1. Read the Article for understanding
  2. Summarize the article
  3. Develop an opinion regarding the author's message
  4. Defend your opinion by citing support from at least 3 external sources
Access the article by clicking here

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Insurance Continued

EQ - Why do insurance companies offer discounts?
  1. Activator - Insurance Graffiti
  2. Debriefing
  3. TPS - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Auto Insurance
  4. What's My Coverage
    1. Open "Insurance Activity" from Google Drive
    2. Collaborate with your partner to determine coverage needs
    3. Compose your answers in the document
  5. Class Review
  6. TPS - How to Cut the Cost of Auto Insurance
    1.  Write your initial reaction to each discount (Why insurance companies give each type of discount)
    2. Work with a partner to research the real reasoning behind the discount
      1. Compose your answers in the Insurance Activity document
      2. Copy and Paste your links
    3. Class Review
  7. TOD - Muddy Points

Monday, May 13, 2013

Risk Management

EQ - What types of risk can lead to the need for home or motor vehicle insurance?
  1. Activator - Document Detective
  2. Partnership Discovery
    1. Insurance Defined
    2. Types of Risks
    3. Methods of Risk Management
    4. Strategies for Risk Management
    5. Planning an Insurance Program
    6. Defining Liability
  3. Section Assessment

Friday, May 10, 2013


We will begin class by reviewing the following elements of the PowerPoint from our previous meeting.
  1.  Activator - Black Jack
    1. What would you do if the Dealer has an Ace showing?
  2. Review your KWL
  3. The Insurance Process
  4. Louise's Accident
  5. Do the math
  6. Which policy would you choose? Why?
  7. Deductibles & Co-insurance
  8. Update your KWL
EQ - What types of risk can lead to the need for home or motor vehicle insurance?
  1. Activator - Document Detective
  2. Partnership Discovery
    1. Insurance Defined
    2. Types of Risks
    3. Methods of Risk Management
    4. Strategies for Risk Management
    5. Planning an Insurance Program
    6. Defining Liability
  3. Section Assessment

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Introduction to Insurance

We will begin today's class with your Unit 7 presentations.  Groups will be selected at random.

Should time permit, we will begin the following:

EQ - How does having an insurance policy create financial security?
  1. Activator - KWL
  2. Insurance PowerPoint
    1. Insurance Defined
    2. How Insurance Works
    3. Types of Insurance
    4. Assessment
  3. TOD - Finalize KWL & Muddy Points

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Identity Theft Assessment

Thank you for working so hard during yesterday's class.  Today each group will present.

EQ - How can you minimize your risk against identity theft?

  1. Activator - High Fives
  2. Intro - Strengths and Weaknesses Assessment
  3. Mini-class Groups
    1. Groups will be divided evenly into mini-class groups
    2. Each group will perform its song or commercial
    3. Each audience member will complete a Strengths and Weaknesses Assessment for the presenting group
    4. Mini-class discussion
      1. What went well?
      2. What could be improved?
    5. Repeat until each group has presented
  4. Enhance your Assessment
    1. Mini-class groups will split into the original group pairings
    2. Each partnership will update and improve the final performance
  5. Be prepared to present your final assessment tomorrow in front of the entire class

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Identity Theft Assessment

Commercial or Song Project

You have been chosen to educate others about the aspects of identity theft.  Your project options are outlined below:


  • You and a partner will create a commercial that educates consumers on a minimum of one identity theft topic.  Topics include, but are not limited to
    • Ways your identity can be stolen
    • Ways to prevent identity theft
    • What to do if you fall victim to identity theft
  • Commercial must be at least 45 seconds long
  • All group members must have an active role in the creation and presentation of the commercial
  • The commercial must be acted out or recorded an played back for the class.
  • You and a partner will create a song that educates consumers on a minimum of one identity theft topic.  Topics include, but are not limited to
    • Ways your identity can be stolen
    • Ways to prevent identity theft
    • What to do if you fall victim to identity theft
  • Song must be at least 45 seconds long
  • All group members must have an active role in the creation and presentation of the commercial
  • The song must be sung or recorded and played back for the class.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monetary Costs of Identity Theft

  EQ - What are the monetary costs of Identity Theft?
  1. Activator - What Word?
    1. Choose one of the six methods of identity theft
    2. Describe the method to a partner until they can guess which form of identity theft you are discussing
    3. Switch to the other partner and repeat
  2. Pre-reading - Links posted below
    1. What is the topic
    2. What should I focus on during the reading?
  3.  Each partner will choose one of the articles to read for understanding
    1. Read the article
    2. Take notes
    3. Write a complete summary of the article
  4. Tweet-Time - Reduce your summary to 140 characters or less
    1. Share your Tweet with your partner
    2. Answer your partner's questions by describing your Tweet with more details from the reading.
  5. If time permits - Create a study guide (This must be a newly generated study guide) including ALL information from the Identity Theft Unit
Link 1 - CNN
Link 2 - Informationweek

Friday, May 3, 2013

Monetary Cost of Identity Theft

EQ - What are the monetary costs of Identity Theft?
  1. Activator - Brainstorm the 6 types of Identity Theft described in class
  2. How Identity Theft Happens (6)
    • Phishing - YouTube - Phishing
    • Dumpster Diving
    • Traditional Stealing
    • Pretexting
    • Hacking
    • Spyware 
  3. Team Skit Activity
  4. Polling Place - Click to Vote
  5. What Word?
    1. Choose one of the six methods of identity theft
    2. Describe the method to a partner until they can guess which form of identity theft you are discussing
    3. Switch to the other partner and repeat
  6. Pre-reading - Links posted below
    1. What is the topic
    2. What should I focus on during the reading?
  7.  Each partner will choose one of the articles to read for understanding
    1. Read the article
    2. Take notes
    3. Write a complete summary of the article
  8. Tweet-Time - Reduce your summary to 140 characters or less
    1. Share your Tweet with your partner
    2. Answer your partner's questions by describing your Tweet with more details from the reading.
  9. If time permits - Create a study guide (This must be a newly generated study guide) including ALL information from the Identity Theft Unit
Link 1 - CNN
Link 2 - Informationweek

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Intro to Unit 7

EQ - How do thieves obtain information to obtain one’s personal identity?
  1. FIRST THING FIRST - Scholarship Opportunity
  2. Activator - Citibank Commercial
  3. Discussion Question - What do you know about Identity Theft?
  4. Advanced Organizer *
  5. How Identity Theft Happens (6)
    • Phishing - YouTube - Phishing
    • Dumpster Diving
    • Traditional Stealing
    • Pretexting
    • Hacking
    • Spyware 
  6. Team Skit Activity
  7. Polling Place - Click to Vote
  8. TOD - Muddy Points