Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Identity Theft Continued

EQ - What are the 3 D's for identity theft?
  1. Activator - Identity Theft Commercials
  2. Intro to the 3 D's - CLICK HERE
  3. Collaborative Project (Partners)
    1. What are the financial costs of identity theft?
    2. What are the non-financial costs of identity theft?
  4. Debriefing
  5. Muddy Points
  6. Quiz - Click Here
  7. Unit Project Directions - See Below
Get ready to use your creative wizardry to create a commercial!

You will be working as a team to create a commercial or public service announcement to inform the general public about identity theft.

From groups to create a TV commercial that includes the following information regarding Identity Theft:
  1. The What and Why of Identity Theft
  2. Costs of Identity Theft
  3. 1 of the 7 methods used to steal identity
  4. The 3-D's
  5. Specific examples of how to protect yourself from being victimized
Each TV commercial must be 2-5 minutes long and include a detailed description of the content and serve as a review tool.

All groups will present before the end of the class period Thursday.

Good luck!!!

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