Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Intro to Personal Finance

EQ - What can I expect to gain from taking Personal Finance?
  1. Activator:  Personal Finance BINGO
  2. AP - Class Discussion related to terminology
  3. TPS - Whiteboard Collage - Write 3 ways money affects you and the world 
  4. TPS - Financial analysis of a day: How has money affected you today?
  5. Class Discussion – Impact of education on income *Handout at end of discussion to reinforce concept
  6. AP – Frayer Foldable: List and describe 3 impacts discussed in class that you believe to be the most important. In the final box, explain what the correlation between education and income is and what it means for you.
  7. Introductions: Syllabus, Room Procedures, Grad. Project
  8. Back of Index Card - 3 goals you have for this class
  9. TOD: 3-2-1
    • 3 topics you want to learn in this class
    • 2 items you learned today
    • 1 thing you already know from the BINGO card
15.6.12.A: Evaluate the impact of internal and external influences on financial decisions.

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